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Table 3. Chlamydia — Reported cases and rates by state/area and region listed in alphabetical order: United States and outlying areas, 2001–2005

State/Area Cases Rates per 100,000 Population
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Alabama 14,524 15,611 14,209 13,314 17,109 325.0 348.0 315.7 293.9 377.7
Alaska 2,744 3,806 3,900 3,954 4,355 433.1 591.2 601.1 603.3 664.4
Arizona 14,346 14,973 12,819 16,786 21,264 270.3 274.4 229.7 292.2 370.2
Arkansas 7,280 7,312 7,856 7,864 8,507 270.2 269.8 288.2 285.7 309.1
California 101,944 110,288 117,428 122,197 130,716 294.6 314.1 330.9 340.4 364.2
Colorado 13,239 14,028 13,039 14,151 15,432 298.8 311.3 286.5 307.5 335.4
Connecticut 7,718 9,808 9,393 9,552 11,039 224.7 283.4 269.7 272.6 315.1
Delaware 2,793 2,649 3,035 2,954 3,392 350.6 328.1 371.3 355.7 408.5
Florida 37,625 42,058 42,382 42,554 43,372 229.8 251.6 249.0 244.6 249.3
Georgia 33,840 33,998 35,686 34,280 33,562 402.6 397.2 410.9 388.2 380.1
Hawaii 4,031 4,521 5,480 5,307 5,489 328.5 363.2 435.7 420.2 434.7
Idaho 2,023 2,503 2,366 2,784 2,799 153.2 186.6 173.2 199.8 200.9
Illinois 43,716 48,101 48,294 47,185 50,559 349.2 381.7 381.7 371.1 397.7
Indiana 15,258 17,100 17,075 18,440 20,063 249.0 277.6 275.6 295.6 321.6
Iowa 5,699 6,195 6,491 6,956 7,390 194.4 210.9 220.5 235.4 250.1
Kansas 6,050 6,784 7,249 7,493 7,419 223.9 249.8 266.2 273.9 271.2
Kentucky 8,881 8,756 7,981 6,470 8,351 218.3 213.9 193.8 156.1 201.4
Louisiana 17,840 18,442 20,970 21,837 17,227 399.1 411.4 466.4 483.6 381.5
Maine 1,338 1,805 2,030 2,113 2,254 104.2 139.4 155.5 160.4 171.1
Maryland 15,640 16,891 16,831 19,952 18,291 290.4 309.5 305.5 359.0 329.1
Massachusetts 10,402 10,914 11,301 13,242 14,411 162.5 169.8 175.7 206.4 224.6
Michigan 31,090 32,272 32,572 41,246 38,730 310.7 321.1 323.1 407.9 383.0
Minnesota 8,323 10,107 10,714 11,602 12,189 167.0 201.3 211.8 227.4 239.0
Mississippi 11,793 11,800 12,193 18,863 21,268 412.4 410.9 423.2 649.8 732.6
Missouri 13,949 16,181 18,570 21,319 22,371 247.4 285.2 325.5 370.5 388.7
Montana 1,919 2,475 2,547 2,608 2,400 212.0 272.1 277.6 281.4 258.9
Nebraska 3,206 4,779 4,739 5,238 5,098 186.4 276.4 272.5 299.8 291.8
Nevada 4,831 5,936 5,830 6,690 7,321 230.3 273.1 260.1 286.5 313.6
New Hampshire 1,383 1,557 1,616 1,736 1,842 109.8 122.1 125.5 133.6 141.7
New Jersey 16,312 14,164 16,169 17,448 19,152 191.7 164.9 187.2 200.6 220.2
New Mexico 6,254 7,417 7,480 9,035 8,456 341.6 399.8 399.0 474.7 444.3
New York 46,393 51,123 57,222 59,097 63,966 243.1 266.9 298.2 307.4 332.7
North Carolina 22,101 24,726 26,187 28,967 31,183 269.3 297.2 311.5 339.1 365.1
North Dakota 1,062 1,256 1,655 1,810 1,667 166.8 198.1 261.1 285.3 262.8
Ohio 37,653 38,032 42,522 39,379 43,806 330.6 333.0 371.8 343.7 382.3
Oklahoma 10,478 10,804 11,013 10,366 13,407 302.0 309.2 313.6 294.2 380.5
Oregon 7,454 7,009 7,688 8,690 9,018 214.6 199.0 216.0 241.8 250.9
Pennsylvania 28,371 31,791 37,291 38,025 37,261 230.6 257.7 301.6 306.5 300.3
Rhode Island 2,912 2,832 3,000 3,442 3,269 274.8 264.7 278.8 318.5 302.5
South Carolina 15,329 14,314 14,623 18,423 18,296 377.4 348.5 352.6 438.8 435.8
South Dakota 1,821 2,215 2,608 2,532 2,701 240.1 291.0 341.2 328.5 350.4
Tennessee 15,560 16,042 20,380 22,515 23,084 270.6 276.7 348.9 381.5 391.2
Texas 69,752 69,521 69,200 70,232 71,860 326.4 319.2 312.9 312.3 319.5
Utah 3,004 3,540 3,893 3,857 4,602 131.8 152.8 165.6 161.4 192.6
Vermont 638 954 1,060 1,137 957 104.1 154.7 171.2 183.0 154.0
Virginia 18,337 18,518 19,439 21,635 22,668 254.8 253.9 263.2 290.0 303.9
Washington 13,631 14,934 16,797 17,635 18,616 227.4 246.1 273.9 284.3 300.1
West Virginia 2,346 2,464 2,585 2,758 2,944 130.3 136.7 142.8 151.9 162.2
Wisconsin 16,284 17,000 17,942 19,217 20,461 301.2 312.4 327.9 348.8 371.4
Wyoming 839 944 960 1,082 1,173 169.9 189.3 191.5 213.6 231.6
U.S. TOTAL* 783,242 834,555 877,478 929,462 976,445 274.5 289.4 301.7 316.5 332.5
Northeast 115,467 124,948 139,082 145,792 154,151 214.0 230.4 255.7 267.2 282.5
Midwest 184,111 200,022 210,431 222,417 232,454 284.0 307.1 321.7 338.4 353.7
South 307,405 317,211 327,738 346,477 358,199 301.5 306.9 313.5 327.0 338.1
West 176,259 192,374 200,227 214,776 231,641 272.9 293.0 301.2 318.6 343.6
Guam 431 550 554 748 807 272.2 341.5 338.6 450.4 485.9
Puerto Rico 2,748 2,999 2,746 3,588 3,714 71.6 77.7 70.8 92.1 95.4
Virgin Islands 131 207 416 303 235 119.7 188.1 382.3 278.6 216.0
OUTLYING AREAS 3,310 3,756 3,716 4,639 4,756 80.6 90.9 89.5 111.3 114.1
TOTAL 786,552 838,311 881,194 934,101 981,201 271.8 286.6 298.7 313.6 329.5

* Includes cases reported by Washington, D.C.

Note: Rates exclude population of states that did not report.

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Page last modified: December 13, 2006
Page last reviewed: December 13, 2006 Historical Document

Content Source: Division of STD Prevention, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention