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Figure W. MSM Prevalence Monitoring Project — Number of gonorrhea tests and number of positive tests in men who have sex with men, STD clinics, 1999–2005
MSM Prevalence Monitoring Project — Number of gonorrhea tests and number of positive tests in men who have sex with men, STD clinics, 1999–2005
 Note: The bars represent the number of GC tests at all anatomic sites (pharyngeal, rectal, and urethral) each year. The scales on the left and right axis differ. The bar graphs use the scale on the left. The line graphs use the scale on the right.

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Page last modified: December 13, 2006
Page last reviewed: December 13, 2006 Historical Document

Content Source: Division of STD Prevention, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention