A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n


Science can be learned from television. Even though the quality varies a lot, some programs provide a marvelous window on science.

What you'll need

A television set
A VCR, if you have one
Your science journal

What to do

  1. Look on the regular networks, public television stations, and cable channels (The Discovery Channel, for example) for science programs such as 3-2-1 Contact, Reading Rainbow, Nature, Nova, Newton's Apple, The Voyage of the MIMI, Mr. Wizard's World, and National Geographic, Jacques Cousteau, Cosmos, and Smithsonian Institution specials.

  2. Look for reports of scientific discoveries and activities on regularly scheduled news programs, and for TV characters with science-related jobs--doctors, for instance.

  3. If you have a VCR, tape science shows so you can look at them later and stop--or replay--parts that are particulary interesting or hard to understand and so you can talk to someone about them.

  4. Watch some of these programs with an adult so you can ask questions.

Some TV programs give misleading information about science as well as about scientists. It is important to know which things on television are real and which ones aren't.

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