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Volume 4: No. 4, October 2007

Physical Activity Patterns Among Latinos in the United States: Putting the Pieces Together

Length of Time Birthplace
Central America
% (95% CI)
South America
% (95% CI)
Caribbean and Atlantic Islands
% (95% CI)
Any length 30.6 (26.8-34.4) 44.9 (34.4-55.4) 54.1 (45.9-62.3)
<15 y 38.1 (32.5-43.7) 49.5 (40.0-59.0) 64.5 (55.6-73.4)
≥15 y 22.1 (16.7-27.5) 50.4 (32.8-68.0) 41.6 (33.3-49.9)

CI indicates confidence interval.

Figure. Percentage of survey respondents reporting transportation-related physical activity, by birthplace and time lived in the United States. Source: National Household Travel Survey, 2001–2002. 

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This page last reviewed July 05, 2007

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