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Volume 3: No. 2, April 2006

Screening Rates and Characteristics of Health Plan Members Who Respond to Screening Reminders

Month Breast Cancer Cervical Cancer Colon Cancer Diabetes Cholesterol
Jan 21.9 26.3 19.2 30.4 24.7
Feb 19.8 26 16.7 28.3 22.8
Mar 21.6 25.3 19.3 29.6 22.7
Apr 21.7 25.5 19.5 29.8 23.1
May 20.8 23.9 18.5 30.7 23.8
Jun 22.9 28.2 19.5 30.8 26.7
Jul 21.2 24 19.4 29.5 22.3
Aug 21.4 23.5 17.9 28.6 22.1
Sep 21.3 22.6 18.3 28 22.7
Oct 20.5 23.1 17.6 27.9 22.7
Nov 19.2 21.8 16.2 26.1 20.5
Dec 18.8 20 15.2 24.7 19

Figure. Percentage of members responding to screening reminders by calendar month in which reminders were sent.

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This page last reviewed January 19, 2006

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