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How to Use the Images


Inquiry Question

Historical Context



Drawing 1
Photos 1 & 1a


Table of

Visual Evidence

Photo 2: Teacher's cottage for Elo School,
Long Valley, Idaho.
[Photo 2] with link to higher quality photo.
(photographer and date unknown)

Photo 3: Goat Barn, John G. Johnson (Rintakangas) Homestead, Long Valley, Idaho. [Photo 3] with link to higher quality photo.
(Alice Koskella, 1980)

Photo 4: Log barn, Nickolai Wargelin Homestead, Long Valley, Idaho. [Photo 4] with link to higher quality photo.
(Alice Koskella, 1980)

Photo 5: Sauna, John G. Johnson (Rintakangas) Homestead, Long Valley, Idaho. [Photo 5] with link to higher quality photo.
(Alice Koskella, 1979)

Questions for Photos 2-5

1. Compare Photos 2-5. What are some similarities between the structures? How are they different?

2. Are the structures constructed of round logs or hewn logs? Why were hewn logs preferred?

3. Is it obvious for what purpose each building was constructed? Why or why not?

4. What type of notching is used on each structure?

5. Examine Photo 5. What purpose did the sauna serve? Where did the tradition come from? Why might a sauna be part of the Finnish culture? (If needed, refer to Reading 1.)

* The photo and diagram on this screen have a resolution of 72 dots per inch (dpi), and therefore will print poorly. You can obtain a high quality version of Photo 2, Photo 3, Photo 4, and Photo 5, but be aware that each file will take as much as 35 seconds to load with a 28.8K modem.



Comments or Questions

National Park Service arrowhead with link to NPS website.