U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans - Link to ED.gov Home Page

Table of contents
•Title page
•National Summary
State Profiles
•Appendix A
•Appendix B
•Appendix C
•Full report in PDF format (1,601K)

State Education Indicators with a Focus on Title I


School and Teacher Demographics

Per Pupil Expenditures
(CCD, 1998-1999)

Number of districts
(CCD, 1999-2000)

Number of public schools
(CCD, 1999-2000)
Elementary Middle High Combined Total
1,225 324 303 33 1,898

Number of charter schools
(CCD, 1999-2000)

Number of FTE teachers
(CCD, 1999-2000)
Elementary Middle High Combined Total
24,192 n/a 39,454 n/a 77,600

Public school enrollment
  1993-94 1999-2000
625,344 682,623
232,208 265,174
877,726 971,425
(by state definition)
13,178 19,539

Sources of funding
District average
(CCD, 1998-99)

State 46%, Local 47%, Federal 8%

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Student Demographics

(CCD, K-12)
  1993-94 1999-2000
American Indian/Alaskan Natives 1,523 2,405
  * *
Asian/Pacific Islander 32,478 40,615
  4% 4%
Black 71,023 81,783
  8% 9%
Hispanic 77,015 96,173
  9% 10%
White 695,687 726,821
  79% 77%
Other n/a n/a

Students with disabilities
1993-94 1999-2000
131,414 141,912
15% 14%

Students with Limited English Proficiency
(ED/NCBE, K-12)
1993-94 1999-2000
43,685 44,829
5% 5%

Migratory students
(OME, K-12)
1993-94 1999-2000
2,485 1,427
* *

All schools by percent of students eligible to participate in the Free Lunch Program*
(CCD, 1999-2000)

For 0 to 34%, 1,350 schools; 35% to 49%, 153 schools; 50% to 74%, 195 schools; 75% to 100%, 199 schools

*1 schools did not report.

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Statewide Accountability Information
(Collected from States, January 2002 for 2001-2002 school year)

Statewide Goal for Schools on State Assessment
Two years' score on MCAS, decrease percentage of students at Failing level and increase percentage at Proficient or Advanced level.

Expected School Improvement on Assessment
Increase average scaled scores, dependent on baseline performance

Indicators for School Accountability
Results of CRT(MCAS) tests

Title I Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for Schools
Same as statewide goal (progress on math, reading tests)

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Title I

Title I
(ED Consolidated Report, 1999-2000)
  School Wide Programs Targeted Assistance Totals
Number of Schools 424 623 1,047
  40% 60% 100%
Schools Meeting AYP Goal 194 573 767
  46% 92% 73%
School in Need of Improvement 226 50 276
  53% 8% 26%

Title I allocation
(Includes Basic, Concentration, and LEA grants, Capital Expenditures, Even Start, Migrant Education, and Neglected & Delinquent, ED, 1999-00)

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NAEP State Results
  Grade 4 Grade 8
Reading, 1998:  
Proficient level and above 37% 36%
Basic level and above 73% 80%
Math, 2000:  
Proficient level and above 33% 33%
Basic level and above 78% 76%

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Assessment Information
Assessment Reported Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System
State Definition of "Proficient" Students at this level demonstrate a solid understanding of challenging subject matter and solve a wide variety of problems.

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Student Achievement 1999-2000

Percentage of students meeting state proficiency levels

Grade 4

Reading/Language Arts
            Proficient Above Proficiency
  Failing (Absent) Failing (Tested) Needs Improvement | Proficient Advanced
All Students 0% 12% 67% | 19% 1%
Title I Schools       |    
High Poverty Schools       |    
Students with Limited English Proficiency 1 43 53 | 3 0
Migratory Students       |    
Students with Disabilities 0 39 58 | 3 0

            Proficient Above Proficiency
  Failing (Absent) Failing (Tested) Needs Improvement | Proficient Advanced
All Students 0% 18% 42% | 28% 12%
Title I Schools       |    
High Poverty Schools       |    
Students with Limited English Proficiency 0 54 35 | 8 2
Migratory Students       |    
Students with Disabilities 0 39 45 | 13 3

Grade 8

Reading/Language Arts
            Proficient Above Proficiency
  Failing (Absent) Failing (Tested) Needs Improvement | Proficient Advanced
All Students 1% 11% 27% | 57% 5%
Title I Schools       |    
High Poverty Schools       |    
Students with Limited English Proficiency 1 49 32 | 17 0
Migratory Students       |    
Students with Disabilities 2 38 40 | 20 0


            Proficient Above Proficiency
  Failing (Absent) Failing (Tested) Needs Improvement | Proficient Advanced
All Students 1% 39% 27% | 24% 10%
Title I Schools       |    
High Poverty Schools       |    
Students with Limited English Proficiency 1 76 14 | 7 1
Migratory Students       |    
Students with Disabilities 1 76 16 | 6 1


High School

Grade 10

Reading/ Language Arts
            Proficient Above Proficiency
  Failing (Absent) Failing (Tested) Needs Improvement | Proficient Advanced
All Students 3% 31% 30% | 29% 7%
Title I Schools       |    
High Poverty Schools       |    
Students with Limited English Proficiency 3 72 19 | 5 1
Migratory Students       |    
Students with Disabilities 5 70 19 | 6 0


            Proficient Above Proficiency
  Failing (Absent) Failing (Tested) Needs Improvement | Proficient Advanced
All Students 3% 42% 22% | 18% 15%
Title I Schools       |    
High Poverty Schools       |    
Students with Limited English Proficiency 4 72 14 | 6 4
Migratory Students       |    
Students with Disabilities 5 78 11 | 4 2

High School Indicators
  1993-94 1998-99
High school dropout rate
(CCD, event)
4% 4%
  1994-95 1998-99
Postsecondary enrollment
(IPEDS, High school grads enrolled in college)
37,994 42,478
80% 84%


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