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 Using the UTM Grid System to Record Historic Sites

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U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service

National Register Bulletin #28 Using the UTM Grid System to Record Historic Sites
Page 38

Figure 16. Method V, steps A and B, example 2.

Example 2

Find the UTM reference for the NE corner of Neenah, WI, USGS quadrangle (7.5 minute).
Geographic coordinates (read from map corner):

A. Set-up

  1. Zone number: 88° ÷ 6 = 14.7,
    rounding downward 14.7 becomes 14
    30-14 = 16 (zone number).
  2. Central meridian for zone 16: 87°
  3. Angular difference (AD)
    point 88° 22' 30"
    CM   87  00  00
    AD   1  22  30

B. UTM Determination

  1. Locate table for Lat. = 44° 15' 00" (see figure 17)
  2. Locate line for = 1° 22' 30" (AD)
  3. Point is west of CM (88° 22' 30" is greater than 87°)
  4. Easting (from table) = 390, 221.1 meters
    rounded to: 390,220 meters (10-meter precision)
  5. Northing (from table) = 4,900,343.2 meters
    rounded to: 4,900,340 meters (10-meter precision)

C. Result: UTM reference = Z16E390221 N4900340.


[image] Figure 17

Figures, Graphs, Charts, etc.

(page numbers refer to the page in the paper bulletin)

Page 26 - Figure 1. UTM Coordinate Counter
Page 27 - Figure 2. UTM Zones in the contiguous USA, Figure 3. A UTM zone
Page 28 - Figure 4. UTM Worksheet
Page 29 - Figure 5. Labeling Points clockwise from northeasternmost point, Figure 6. Problem Sites
Page 30 - Figure 7. Coordinate Counter set at the Wisconsin Historical Society
Page 31 - Figure 8. UTM Worksheet with two references from Madison, WI.
Page 32 - Figure 9. Securing map to drafting table
Page 33 - Figure 10. Measuring northing of Old Spring Tavern WI
Page 34 - Figure 11. Dividing the space between two grid lines
Page 35 - Figure 12. Measuring UTM reference near SW corner of map
Page 36 - Figure 13. Central Meridians for UTM zones, Figure 14. Method V
Page 37 - Figure 15. UTM Reference Table for corner point in Fig. 14
Page 38 - Figure 16. Method V, Figure 17. UTM Reference table for corner point in Fig. 16
Page 39 - continuation of Figure 17
Page 40 - Figure 18. Effects of rounding and degree of precision, Figure 19. Zone 18 Extended into Zone 17
Page 41 - Figure 20. UTM Military grid reference system zone and strip chart
Page 42 - Source of Figures


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