Report of Investigations 9625

Using Ground Penetrating Radar for Roof Hazard Detection in Underground Mines


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Ground penetrating radar (GPR) has been investigated by the U.S. Bureau of Mines Pittsburgh Research Center for its potential to determine roof hazards in underground mines. GPR surveys were conducted at four field sites with accompanying ground truth to determine the value of GPR for roof hazard detection. The resolution of the current system allows detection of gross roof fractures (>6.4 mm (>0.25 in) zone) or rider beds in coal measure roof. Data quality is not yet sufficient to detect small bed separations or subtle lithologic changes in the roof. Differences in data quality are discussed, as well as suggestions for collecting improved data.

Author(s):Molinda-GM, Monaghan-WD, Mowrey-GL, Persetic-GF
Reference:Pittsburgh, PA: U.S. Department of Energy, Report of Investigations 9625. NTIS stock number: PB96-188123, 1996 Jan; :1-14

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Page last updated: September 17, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division