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Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance

Reports and Background Papers Produced by the Advisory Committee

Press Releases
  • Election of Chair and Vice Chair download files MS Word (195K)
  • Press Release: ACSFA Wins Bipartisan Support in Senate, September 2005 download files PDF (93K)
  • ACSFA Press Release--Update on HEA Reauthorization, July 2005 download files PDF (46K)
Meetings, Hearings & Symposium Summaries
  • Chicago Regional Hearing Registration Deadline Extended to December 11, 2006
  • Chicago Regional Hearing, December 18, 2006 download files MS Word
  • September 19, 2006 Hearing Summary download files MS Word | PDF
  • Updated April 2006 Hearing Summary download files PDF
  • April 2006 Hearing Summary download files PDF (211K)
  • April 4, 2006 Preliminary Agenda download files PDF(22K) | MS Word (26K)
  • April 4, 2006 Hearing Announcement download files PDF (73K) | MS Word (106K)
  • April 25, 2005 Hearing Summary download files MS WORD(30K)


Loan Programs Evaluation

  • Advisory Committee's Letter to the Honorable William F. Goodling on Implementing Full-Scale Direct Lending, December 11, 1996
  • Improving the Federal Student Loan Programs, August 1996.
  • A Comparison of Three Student Loan Origination Models. A Briefing Document, March 1996.
  • Integrity and Accountability: Recommendations for Improving the Management, Delivery, and Operations of the Federal Student Loan Programs, August 1995.
  • Update on the Budget Processes and the Direct Lending Bills. A Briefing Document, August 1995.
  • Issues for the Year II Loan Evaluation Report. A Briefing Document, June 1995.
  • Hearing on the Federal Family Education Loan Program. A Briefing Document, April 1995.
  • Improvements to the Ford Federal Direct Loan Program and the Title IV Delivery System. A Briefing Document, February 1995.
  • Ford Federal Direct Student Loan Program. A Briefing Document, November 1994.
  • Implementation of the Federal Direct Student Loan Program and Modifications to the Federal Family Education Loan Program, August 1994.
  • Update on the Loan Programs: Issues for Discussion. A Briefing Document, January 1994.
  • Evaluation Plan for the Examination of the Federal Direct Loan Program and the Federal Family Education Loan Program, December 1993.


Loan Simplification Study

  • A Section-by-Section Summary of the Student Loan Reform Act of 1993, September 1993.
  • Student Loan Program Simplification: Final Report, July 1993.
  • Proceedings: A Hearing on Loan Simplification, June 3-4, 1993.
    Student Loan Program Simplification: Interim Recommendations, April 1993.
  • Proceedings: A Hearing on Loan Simplification, November 12, 1992.
  • Proceedings: A Hearing on Loan Simplification, October 16, 1992.
  • Proceedings: A Hearing on Loan Simplification, September 15, 1992.
  • Loan Simplification: Study Plan, July 1992.


Reauthorization of Higher Education Act

  • Implementing the Higher Education Amendments of 1998: Update on Key Issues, January 1999
  • The Higher Education Amendments of 1998: Advisory Committee Analytic Agenda, October 1998
  • The Higher Education Amendments of 1998. Meeting the Committee's New Challenges, September 1998
  • Side-by-Side Comparison of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998:  H.R.6 and S.1882, April 1998
  • Analysis of the Office of Education's Prior, Prior Year (PPY) Income Proposal: PPY Causes Major Dislocations in the Pell Grant Program, October 1997
  • Analysis of the Office of Postsecondary Education's Prior, Prior Year (PPY) Income Proposal: PPY Has Serious Negative Implications for Equity, Burden and Program Integrity, September 1997
  • Compilation of Title IV Reauthorization Recommendations, July 1997
  • What Form Fits? An Analysis of Student Aid Organizational Innovations. July 1997.
  • Proceedings: Hearing on Department of Education Student Financial Assistance Information Systems Modernization, July 29,1997
  • Consensus or Disagreement: An Analysis of Community Recommendations for Title IV. July 1997.
  • Proceedings: Hearing on H.R. 6, the Higher Education Amendments of 1998, July 22, 1997
  • Proceedings: Hearing on H.R.6, the Higher Education Act Amendments of 1998, Student Financial Aid--the Foundation Programs: Pell Grants and Campus-Based Aid. June 1997.
  • ACSFA Title IV Reauthorization Recommendations, May 1, 1997
  • Proceedings: Hearing Before the Labor and Human Resources Committee. Student Aid Delivery: $320 Million, Too Much Money for Too Little Accountability, May 1997
  • Update on the 1998 Budget and Reauthorization of the Higher  Education Act, April 1997
  • Proceedings: Haring on Pell Grants and the Administration's Tax Proposals Before the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee, March 1997
  • Proceedings: Hearing on the Reauthorization Act Before the Senate Labor and Human Resouces Committee, February 1997
  • The 1997 Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act: An Analysis of the Current Policy Environment, March 1996
  • Technical Analysis of Title IV of the Higher Education Amendments of 1992, Jult 1992
  • Proceedings: A Hearing on Early Eligibility, Finance and Lending Issues, May 1992
  • Side by Side Comparison of H.R.3553 and S.1150, November 1991
  • Summary and Analysis of Selected Alternative Loan Proposals, October 1991
  • Priorities for the 1990s: Recommendations for Reauthorizaign the Higher Education Act of 1965, March 1991
  • Ensuring Access: Challenges in Student Aid in the 1990s, A Report of the Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance, July 1990



  • An Overview of Issues and Recent Research Regarding Institutional Eligibility for Student Financial Assistance, September 1991.
  • Student Financing in the Health Professions: Dependence on and Interaction between the Higher Education Act and the Public Health Service Act Financial Aid Programs. A Background Paper, December 1990.


Need Analysis and the Delivery System

  • Award Year 2001-2002 Title IV Application Processing Statistics, (weeks 1-85)
  • Award Year 2000-2001 Title IV Application Processing Statistics, (weeks 1-85)
  • Award Year 1999-2000 Title IV Application Processing Statistics, (weeks 1-85)
  • Award Year 1998-1999 Title IV Application Processing Statistics, (weeks 1-85)
  • Opportunities for Consolidation/Re-engineering of the Department of Education's Title IV Delivery System. A Briefing Document, March 1996.
  • Simplifying Need Analysis and Delivery: A Comparison of Reauthorization Proposals, June 1991.
  • Phase One: Background and Problem Definition. Subcommittee on Need Analysis and the Delivery System, November 1989.
  • Hearing Report: Open Hearing on Simplification of Need Analysis and the Delivery System, and Outreach and Early Awareness Programs, August 1989.
  • Subcommittee on Need Analysis and Delivery System Background Paper:
    Need Analysis Work Area, August 1989.
  • Subcommittee on Need Analysis and Delivery System Background Paper:
    Data Requirements Work Area, August 1989.
  • Subcommittee on Need Analysis and Delivery System Background Paper:
    Forms and Processes Work Area, August 1989.
  • Hearing Report: Report on Student Financial Aid Issues, November 1988.
  • Report to the Congress of the United States: Recommendations on Multiple Data Entry Processors, August 1988.
  • Interim Report to the Congress of the United States on Selected Need Analysis and Student Aid Delivery Issues, April 1988.


  • The Impact of Unmet Need on Access for Low-Income Students, September 2001
  • Access Denied: Restoring the Nation's Commitment to Equal Educational Opportunity, February 2001
  • Factors Affecting Access in the Twenty-First Century. A Round Table Discussion of Early Intevention, Remediation, and Support Services, September 2000
  • Challenges to Maintaining Access in the Twenty-First Century: A Round Table Meeting, April 2002
  • Challenges to Maintaining Access in the Twenty-First Century, April 1999.
  • Proceedings: Challenges to Maintaining Access in the Twenty-First Century, A Round Table Meeting of the ACSFA, April 1999.
  • Proceedings: Symposium on Information Resources, Services and Programs, May 1990.
  • Factors Affecting Minority Participation in Higher Education: A Research Synthesis, May 1990.
  • A Review of the Level and Quality of Information Resources and Programs
    Available to Students and Parents, May 1990.
  • A Description of Federal Information and Outreach Programs and Selected State, Institutional and Community Models, May 1990.


PBO and Modernization

  • The PBO and Title IV Modernization: An Update, September 2001
  • The Advisory Committee's PBO Recommendations to the Congress and the Secretary of Education, November 30, 1999
  • The PBO and Modernization: Progress to Date, November 1999
  • Access America for Students: Implications for Modernization, November 1999


Distance Education

  • Hearing Summary: Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Web-Based Education, September 2002
  • Distance Education Demonstration Program: Progress to Date, November 1999
  • The Federal Role in Distance Education: Improving Access and Maintaining Program Integrity, April 1999


Early Information

  • Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP): Analytical Framework for Evaluation, April 2000
  • An Update on the Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undegraduate Programs, November 1999


Institutional Lender Study

  • Special Institutional Lender Study: Final Report to the Congress of the United States, June 2, 1989
  • Summary of the Symposium on Institutional Lending in the Stafford Loan Program, March 1989
  • Special Institutional Lender Study: A Background Report to the Congress of the United States, February 1989


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Advisory Committee on Student Financial Aid


This page last modified—January 10, 2007 (tj).