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NIOSH Publication No. 2006-136:

Emerging Technologies and the Safety and Health Of Working People: Knowledge Gaps and Research Directions

August 2006


The authors wish to thank Robert J. Tuchman, Melissa Van Orman, and Roger Rosa for their editorial and technical reviews and Marianne Miller for the final layout. The authors would also like to thank Dr. Tai Chan for his ideas and his contributions to the original draft of the document.

NORA Emerging Technology Team Members
George R. Bockosh, NIOSH—Team Leader
Nicholas Ashford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
James Bartis, RAND Corp.
Maryann D’Alessandro, NIOSH
Michael J. Eichberg, Select Committee on Homeland Security
Jack Geissert, Wyeth BioPharma
Matt Gillen, NIOSH
Rafael Moure-Eraso, University of Massachusetts
David Y. Pui, University of Minnesota
Maureen Ruskin, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Paul Schlecht, NIOSH
Aaron Schopper, NIOSH
Randal P. Schumacher, Schumacher Partners International, LLC
Donald J. Stillwell, NASA
Debra Yu, Pfizer, Inc.
Jeffrey H. Welsh, NIOSH
Contributing Authors
Barry L. Johnson, retired, U.S. Public Health Service
Melvin L. Myers, retired, U.S. Public Health Service
Cover Photo Credit
Photo by Vincent Laforet, The New York Times
Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health


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DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2006-136
August 2006


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