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Radio PSA Script: Always Carry Water logo: Iowa State University Extension




Iowa State University Extension

(Time: 60)

You never know when a hose or valve will fail when you're working with anhydrous ammonia.

You may be inside your tractor cab, without your gloves or goggles, and suddenly there's a blast of liquid fertilizer. It's a dangerous situation because anhydrous ammonia can cause serious skin burns, blindness, and even death.

If you're sprayed with anhydrous ammonia you need water immediately. Carry at least 5 gallons on the tractor, and a small squirt bottle in your shirt pocket until you can get to more water. Other fluids work, too, such as cold coffee, orange juice or water from a farm pond. The important thing is to have something ready when you need it.

You never want to get in this situation, but you always want to be prepared for one. This message is brought to you by SAFE FARM, a program of Iowa State University Extension.

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NASD Review: 04/2002

This radio public service announcement script was distributed by Iowa State University Extension as part of the Safe Farm Program. Safe Farm promotes health and safety in agriculture. It is funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Iowa State University, and a network of groups that serve Iowa farm workers and their families. Distribution date: April 1993