[NPS Arrowhead] U.S. Dept. of Interior National Park Service Archeology Program
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Archeological stewardship refers to a preservation movement that focuses on protecting and maintaining archeological sites for future generations. For examples of state stewardship programs, that provide both guidance and contact information, please visit the links below. If you do not see your state listed below, you may want to check with your state archeologist [you may have to cut and paste this URL into your browser:http://www.uiowa.edu/~osa/nasa] or State Historic Preservation Officer for information on state or regional archeological stewardship programs.

Learn about the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Site Steward program, Adventures in the Past, and help protect America's "Outdoor Museum."

Our Technical Brief 22, Developing and Implementing Archeological Site Stewardship Programs, assists the development of new stewardship programs and provides an introduction to the use of these programs in cultural resource protection..

The Society for American Archaeology's project, "Making Archaeology Teaching Relevant in the XXI Century" posts an educational unit about archeology and stewardship among its teacher resources. See Stewardship: Archaeology as a Public Interest [you may have to cut and paste this URL into your browser: http://www.indiana.edu/~swasey/matrix/ael/ael_mod02.htm] at the Society's M.A.T.R.I.X. website.

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area has come up with a creative solution to educating visitors about the proper treatment of archeological sites. Read their House Rules for Visiting Archeological Sites.

Stewardship on private property
Laws directed at protecting archeological sites frequently target those located on state or federally owned property, but many sites are located on private property. These sites represent a significant portion of the identified sites in many States, meaning that large numbers of our nation's archeological resources are not protected. Information on strategies for protecting archeological sites on private lands can be found within the following National Park Service publication.

Strategies for Protecting Archeological Sites on Private Lands
It contains a wealth of information concerning the stewardship of archeological sites. The site covers a range of topics including regulatory laws, financial options, and contact information to several stewardship programs.

Also, The Archaeological Conservancy sponsors a nationwide stewardship program devoted to the preservation of threatened sites on private lands.

State sponsored stewardship programs
Site stewards promote protection through monitoring, education, research, and public awareness.

The Alabama Archaeological Society Site Stewardship Program
Contains information for non-professionals concerned with the preservation of significant archeological sites in Alabama.

Arizona Site Steward Program
This organization, which is sponsored by the State Historic Preservation Office, trains and certifies volunteers to be site stewards in Arizona.

California Archaeological Site Stewardship Program (CASSP)
CASSP is a network of concerned professional and amateur archeologists concerned with preserving threatened sites in California.

Colorado Desert District Archaeological Site Stewardship Program.
In California, the Colorado Desert District (CDD) has joined forces with members of the Colorado Desert Archaeology Society (CDAS) and other volunteers to create the Colorado Desert District Archaeological Site Stewardship Program.
Please cut and paste this into your browser: http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=24530

Four Corners Southwest Colorado Cultural Site Stewardship Program (CSSP)
A regional organization of volunteers supported by local communities, businesses and the tribal and public land agencies of the Southwest Colorado in the Four Corners.

Florida Stewardship Volunteer Program
A volunteer program designed to assist professional archeologists in the preservation and maintenance of archeological sites in the state of Florida.

The Kentucky Archaeological Registry: Landowner Participation in Site Preservation
A program to assist landowners in their voluntary stewardship of sites.

Cultural Site Stewardship Program
In Nevada the Public Lands Institute at the University of Nevada Las Vegas manages this Cultural Site Stewardship Program to help land management agencies monitor and protect cultural resources such as prehistoric rock art, known as petroglyphs, and archeological remains.

Nevada Archaeological Site Stewardship Program
The State Historic Preservation Office runs this volunteer Nevada Program to provide an opportunity for concerned citizens to volunteer as site stewards for the federal agencies to monitor the condition of at-risk archaeological sites for signs of natural or man-made damage.

New Mexico SiteWatch
New Mexico SiteWatch is a volunteer program responsible for the protection of cultural resources all across the state.

Michigan State Park Stewardship Program
[you may need to cut and paste this URL into your browser: http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-30301_31154_32311-34686--,00.html]
This stewardship program strives to balance resource protection with compatible recreational use.

The Texas Archeological Stewardship Network (TASN)
TASN is made up of highly trained and motivated avocational archeologists who work on a volunteer basis in every aspect of archeology in the state. This page describes the program, which is coordinated by the Texas Historical Commission.

Utah Site Stewardship Program
A statewide organization of volunteers that are chosen, trained, educated, and appointed by the Utah Division of State History. This page includes a mission statement and statements of purpose useful as language for why we address stewardship in interpretation.

Virginia Stewardship Programs
Provides information on tax credit programs, easements, and preservation programs in Virginia.

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