WOPR Final RMP/EIS Request Form

Have a question?

To ask a question or request additional information, type your message in the text box below and press the "Submit" button to complete and send the request. (character limit is 2,000 - approx 300 words)

Need a copy of the Final RMP/EIS?

Please provide your name/email for mailing list status and your complete address for postal mailings.

*Please select one:

I can follow the process on-line at: http://www.blm.gov/or/plans/wopr

(The next newsletter will contain a summary of important decisions made.)

Note: Delivery may take several weeks.

Note: All information submitted by this form will be handled according to the BLM's privacy policy.


*NOTICE: Do not enter anything in this field!




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* indicates a required field

WOPR Implementation Mailing List

After decisions are made by the end of this year, each BLM District will be responsible for the implementation of their individual Resource Management Plan coming from this western Oregon process. Each district will maintain a mailing list. If you would like to be kept informed on district plans, please indicate below.