Title III Part B, Strengthening Historically Black Graduate Institutions Program

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Funding Status

FY 2008 (Estimated)

Number of New Awards: 0

Number of Continuation Awards: 18
Average Continuation Award: $3,161,000
Total Continuation Award Funding: $56,903,000

Total Award Funding: $56,903,000
Total Number of Awards: 18

FY 2007

Number of New Awards: 5
Average New Award: $5,270,000
Total New Award Funding: $26,350,000

Number of Continuation Awards: 13
Average Continuation Award: $2,428,000
Total Continuation Award Funding: $31,565,000

Total Award Funding: $57,915,000
Total Number of Awards: 18

FY 2006

Appropriation: $57,915,000
No new awards in FY 2006.

FY 2005

Appropriation: $58,032,000
Average Award: $3,224,000

FY 2004

Appropriation: $53,100,000

FY 2003

Appropriation: $53,415,000

FY 2002

Appropriation: $49,000,000

FY 2001

Appropriation: $45,000,000

Note: This is a noncompetitive discretionary grant program -- grants are distributed by formula to eligible institutions. The Department is not bound by any estimates in this notice.

Title III, Part B of the Higher Education Act also includes the Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities Program.



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Last Modified: 04/18/2008