Interpregnancy Interval

PNSS Health Indicator Definition Number = Women Included in the Analysis Definition of Prevalence
% = Prevalence
Interpregnancy Interval
a) <6 months
b) 6 to 18 months
c) >18 months
a)<6 months between pregnancies
b)6 to 18 months between pregnancies
c)≥18 months between pregnancies
Women with valid data on date last pregnancy ended and date of LMP or EDC. All records, complete and prenatal or postpartum only. a) Number of women with <6 months between pregnancies* divided by the total number of women with data on date last pregnancy ended and date of LMP.**
b) Number of women with 6 to 18 months between pregnancies* divided by the total number of women with data on date last pregnancy ended and date of LMP.**
c) Number of women with ≥ 18 months between pregnancies* divided by the total number of women with data on date last pregnancy ended and date of LMP.**

*Number of months between pregnancies is calculated by subtracting date last pregnancy ended in days from date of LMP in days (or LMP calucalted from EDC) and converting days to months

**or date of LMP calculated from EDC