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Waste Site Reports: Vermont

NOAA trust species in Vermont include anadromous and catadromous species such as American shad, Atlantic salmon, and American eel.

Areas of Special Concern in Vermont

The NOAA RRC program works to protect and restore natural resources throughout Vermont. However, the Connecticut River is within the historical range of Atlantic salmon spawning migrations, a NOAA and state trust resource. The NOAA CRC program worked with EPA and the state at waste sites to ensure that river habitat is protected from hazardous substance releases. A combined state and Federal program has restored Atlantic salmon runs in the Connecticut River. The program includes planting hatchery-reared fry, parr, and smolt in the upstream tributaries of the Connecticut watershed to assist in reestablishing the native spawning runs.

Reports Not Yet Available Online

  • Old Springfield Landfill (Reviewed 1987); CERCLIS No. = VTD000860239

Waste Site Reports
  • VT: Elizabeth Mine (Reviewed 2003); CERCLIS No.= VTD988366621
    (Document format: PDF, size: 217.1 K)
  • VT: Ely Copper Mine (Reviewed 2003); CERCLIS No.= VTD988366571
    (Document format: PDF, size: 170.0 K)

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