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ARD Technical Publications on Our Site

This is a list of the documents available as PDF files on the OR&R Web site. It is recommended that you download large files to your hard drive and execute Acrobat Reader from there.

Visit our Download Catalog
We have featured several important documents on this page, but there are many more available in our Download catalog. Use this link to access the complete body of work.

The Coastal Resource Coordinator's Bioassessment Manual
A manual (revised in 2003) designed for the use of NOAA's Coastal Resource Coordinators (CRCs) as a general guide for using bioassessment techniques for evaluating conditions at hazardous waste sites. (Document format: PDF, size: 3.4 M)
Screening Quick Reference Tables (SQuiRTs)
A listing of water and sediment criteria. (Document format: PDF, size: 1.4 M)
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