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Fact Sheets: ERD Products and Services

In the following one-page fact sheets, you can get quick information about the products and services that OR&R's Emergency Response Division (ERD) provides. (ERD was formerly the Hazardous Materials Response Division, or HAZMAT.)

The fact sheets are grouped by the following topics:

Program Overview • top
  • Emergency Response Division (ERD) An overview of NOAA OR&R's Emergency Response Division (ERD), formerly the Hazardous Materials Response Division (HAZMAT), and its activities.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 467.1 K)
  • FOSC Guide: Fact Sheet An overview of the guidebook, An FOSC's Guide to NOAA Scientific Support. This guidebook provides a quick reference to the range of scientific support services available through NOAA OR&R's Emergency Response Division.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 218.6 K)
Recent and Historical Spills and Responses • top
  • Internet Site General information about, an Internet portal that provides spill and response information to the general populace and to Regional Response Team (RRT) members.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 1.1 M)
Educational Resources • top
Software and Datasets • top
  • ESI Fact Sheet Basic information about Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) mapping, including a list of ESI atlases available from OR&R.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 1.6 M)
  • GNOME Fact Sheet Basic information about the General NOAA Oil Modeling Environment (GNOME), our oil trajectory model.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 1.1 M)
  • ADIOS2 Fact Sheet A brief description of ADIOS (Automated Data Inquiry for Oil Spills), our oil weathering model.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 721.8 K)
  • TAP Fact Sheet A short fact sheet describing our trajectory analysis software, TAP (Trajectory Analysis Planner).
    (Document format: PDF, size: 657.9 K)
  • Spill Tools Fact Sheet A short fact sheet about Spill Tools, a set of three programs designed for oil spill planners and responders: the Mechanical Equipment Calculator, the In-situ Burn Calculator, and the Dispersant Mission Planner.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 386.8 K)
  • CAMEO Fact Sheet A basic description of the chemical response program, CAMEO (Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations).
    (Document format: PDF, size: 435.7 K)
  • CAMEO Chemicals Fact Sheet A short fact sheet describing the new online tool for hazmat responders, CAMEO Chemicals.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 922.3 K)
  • ALOHA Fact Sheet A basic description of ALOHA (Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres), a computer program used to predict how a hazardous gas cloud might disperse in the atmosphere after an accidental chemical release.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 755.9 K)
  • MARPLOT Fact Sheet General information about MARPLOT (Mapping Application for Response, Planning, and Local Operational Tasks), the general-purpose mapping application that lets you create, view, and modify maps quickly and easily, and allows you to link objects on your computer maps to data in other programs, including CAMEO.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 1.1 M)
  • Precursors Database Fact Sheet A fact sheet describing the Precursors Database that NOAA's Emergency Response Division (ERD) is proposing to develop to support first responders and forensics specialists.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 474.7 K)
Spill Response and Planning • top
  • SMART Fact Sheet A brief description of SMART (Special Monitoring of Applied Response Technologies), a cooperatively designed monitoring program for in situ burning and dispersants.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 377.0 K)
  • SMART at the New Carissa Oil Spill A description of how SMART was used during the response to the New Carissa grounding on the Oregon Coast in February, 1999.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 396.3 K)
  • Hawaii Drift Card Study A fact sheet about a two-year drift card study that NOAA ERD (formerly HAZMAT) conducted in the near shore waters of the Hawaiian Islands to learn more about where floating pollutants might go in Hawaii.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 414.3 K)
  • Oil and Sea Turtles Fact Sheet Basic information about our Oil and Sea Turtles publication in a one-page factsheet.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 445.1 K)
Oil Characteristics • top
  • Tarballs How tarballs form; what we know, and don't know, about them.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 384.2 K)
  • Fate and Transport: M/V Selendang Ayu The characteristics and behavior of the pollutants spilled by the M/V Selendang Ayu in the Bering Sea in December, 2004.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 109.8 K)

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