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Auto- and Facilitated Enrollment of Low Income Beneficiaries

This page contains information on how CMS auto-enrolls full benefit dual eligibles and facilitates enrollment for others with LIS into Prescription Drug Plans (PDPs). Materials include guidance and beneficiary notices. There is also information on how Medicare Advantage and certain cost plans auto/facilitate enrollment on behalf of CMS for their LIS members. 

For general guidance on CMS' auto/facilitated enrollment process for PDPs (section 30.1.4 of PDP Eligibility, Enrollment, and Disenrollment Guidance), follow the first link under "Related Links Inside CMS" below.

For general guidance on auto/facilitated enrollment in MA/cost plans (section 40.1.6 of Chapter 2 of the Medicare Managed Care Manual), follow the second link under "Related Links Inside CMS" below.



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Page Last Modified: 12/09/2008 12:00:00 AM
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