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Licensing, TT


Licensable Technologies : Materials : Sensors

Meniscus Membranes for Separations

Gas separation membranes, especially meniscus-shaped membranes for gas separations are disclosed together with the use of such meniscus-shaped membranes for applications such as thermal gas valves, pre-concentration of a gas stream, and selective pre-screening of a gas stream. In addition, a rapid screening system for simultaneously screening polymer materials for effectiveness in gas separation is provided.


  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) separation
  • Pre-screening element for contaminants
  • Pressure/temperature sensor element
  • Pre-concentrator for mass spectrometer
  • Rapid membrane efficacy screening for polymers
  • Use as a temperature-controlled valve in gas separations


  • Higher temperature operation than previous polymer membranes
  • Higher pressure operation than previous polymer membranes
  • Faster, cheaper screening of polymers for use as separation membranes
  • Simple, low-cost temperature-controlled valve
  • Effective pre-screen and pre-concentrator for sensors

IP Status: Available both Exclusively and Non Exclusively

Reference Number: 148

S Number: DOE reference no.(s): 102,336; 104,980; 94,644

Patents & Applications:
United States National Patent Number 6946019 Issued on 09/20/2005 United States National Patent Number 6681648 Issued on 01/27/2004

Posted: 09-21-2004

Laura Barber
Technology Transfer Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory
P.O. Box 1663, MailStop C334
(505) 667-9266



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