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Practice guidelines for the perioperative management of patients with obstructive sleep apnea: a report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Perioperative Management of Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.



This is the current release of the guideline.





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Preoperative Evaluation

Anesthesiologists should work with surgeons to develop a protocol whereby patients in whom the possibility of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is suspected on clinical grounds are evaluated long enough before the day of surgery to allow preparation of a perioperative management plan. This evaluation may be initiated in a preanesthesia clinic (if available) or by direct consultation from the operating surgeon to the anesthesiologist. A preoperative evaluation should include a comprehensive review of previous medical records (if available), an interview with the patient and/or family, and conducting a physical examination. Medical records review should include (but not be limited to) checking for a history of airway difficulty with previous anesthetics, hypertension or other cardiovascular problems, and other congenital or acquired medical conditions. Review of sleep studies is encouraged. The patient and family interview should include focused questions related to snoring, apneic episodes, frequent arousals during sleep (vocalization, shifting position, extremity movements), morning headaches, and daytime somnolence. A physical examination should include an evaluation of the airway, nasopharyngeal characteristics, neck circumference, tonsil size, and tongue volume. If any of these characteristics suggest that the patient has OSA, the anesthesiologist and surgeon should jointly decide whether to (1) manage the patient perioperatively based on clinical criteria alone or (2) obtain sleep studies, conduct a more extensive airway examination, and initiate indicated OSA treatment in advance of surgery. If this evaluation does not occur until the day of surgery, the surgeon and anesthesiologist together may elect for presumptive management based on clinical criteria or a last-minute delay of surgery. For safety, clinical criteria (see table 1 of the original Guideline document) should be designed to have a high degree of sensitivity (despite the resulting low specificity), meaning that some patients may be treated more aggressively than would be necessary if a sleep study were available.

The severity of the patient's OSA, the invasiveness of the diagnostic or therapeutic procedure, and the requirement for postoperative analgesics should be taken into account in determining whether a patient is at increased perioperative risk from OSA (see table 2 of the original Guideline document). The patient and his or her family as well as the surgeon should be informed of the potential implications of OSA on the patient's perioperative course.

Preoperative Preparation

Preoperative initiation of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) should be considered, particularly if OSA is severe. For patients who do not respond adequately to CPAP, noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NIPPV) should be considered. In addition, the preoperative use of mandibular advancement devices or oral appliances and preoperative weight loss should be considered when feasible. A patient who has had corrective airway surgery (e.g., uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, surgical mandibular advancement) should be assumed to remain at risk for OSA complications unless a normal sleep study has been obtained (Young et al., 1993) and symptoms have not returned. Patients with known or suspected OSA may have difficult airways and therefore should be managed according to the "Practice Guidelines for Management of the Difficult Airway." ("American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Management of the Difficult Airway, 2003) In patients at risk for perioperative complications from OSA, a preoperative determination must be made regarding whether surgery should be performed on an inpatient or outpatient basis (see recommendations for Inpatient versus Outpatient Surgery and Criteria for Discharge to Unmonitored Settings, below).

Intraoperative Management

Because of their propensity for airway collapse and sleep deprivation, patients at increased perioperative risk from OSA are especially susceptible to the respiratory depressant and airway effects of sedatives, opioids, and inhaled anesthetics; therefore, in selecting intraoperative medications, the potential for postoperative respiratory compromise should be considered. For superficial procedures, one should consider the use of local anesthesia or peripheral nerve blocks, with or without moderate sedation. If moderate sedation is used, ventilation should be continuously monitored by capnography or another automated method if feasible because of the increased risk of undetected airway obstruction in these patients. One should consider administering CPAP or using an oral appliance during sedation to patients previously treated with these modalities. General anesthesia with a secure airway is preferable to deep sedation without a secure airway, particularly for procedures that may mechanically compromise the airway. Major conduction anesthesia (spinal/epidural) should be considered for peripheral procedures. Unless there is a medical or surgical contraindication, patients at increased perioperative risk from OSA should be extubated while awake. Full reversal of neuromuscular block should be verified before extubation. When possible, extubation and recovery should be carried out in the lateral, semiupright, or other nonsupine position.

Postoperative Management

Regional analgesic techniques should be considered to reduce or eliminate the requirement for systemic opioids in patients at increased perioperative risk from OSA. If neuraxial analgesia is planned, weigh the benefits (improved analgesia, decreased need for systemic opioids) and risks (respiratory depression from rostral spread) of using an opioid or opioid–local anesthetic mixture as compared with a local anesthetic alone. If patient-controlled systemic opioids are used, continuous background infusions should be used with extreme caution or avoided entirely. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents and other modalities (e.g., ice, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) should be considered if appropriate to reduce opioid requirements. Clinicians are cautioned that the concurrent administration of sedative agents (e.g., benzodiazepines, barbiturates) increases the risk of respiratory depression and airway obstruction.

Supplemental oxygen should be administered continuously to all patients who are at increased perioperative risk from OSA until they are able to maintain their baseline oxygen saturation while breathing room air. The Task Force cautions that supplemental oxygen may increase the duration of apneic episodes and may hinder detection of atelectasis, transient apnea, and hypoventilation by pulse oximetry. CPAP or NIPPV, with or without supplemental oxygen, should be continuously administered when feasible (e.g., when patients are not ambulating) to patients who were using these modalities preoperatively, unless contraindicated by the surgical procedure. Compliance with CPAP or NIPPV may be improved if patients bring their own equipment to the hospital.

If possible, patients at increased perioperative risk from OSA should be placed in nonsupine positions throughout the recovery process. Hospitalized patients who are at increased risk of respiratory compromise from OSA should have continuous pulse oximetry monitoring after discharge from the recovery room. Continuous monitoring may be provided in a critical care or stepdown unit, by telemetry on a hospital ward, or by a dedicated, appropriately trained professional observer in the patient's room. Continuous monitoring should be maintained as long as patients remain at increased risk. Intermittent pulse oximetry or continuous bedside oximetry without continuous observation does not provide the same level of safety. If frequent or severe airway obstruction or hypoxemia occurs during postoperative monitoring, initiation of nasal CPAP or NIPPV should be considered.

Inpatient versus Outpatient Surgery and Criteria for Discharge to Unmonitored Settings

Before patients at increased perioperative risk from OSA are scheduled to undergo surgery, a determination should be made regarding whether a given surgical procedure is most appropriately performed on a given patient on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Factors to be considered in determining whether outpatient care is appropriate include (1) sleep apnea status, (2) anatomical and physiologic abnormalities, (3) status of coexisting diseases, (4) nature of surgery, (5) type of anesthesia, (6) need for postoperative opioids, (7) patient age, (8) adequacy of postdischarge observation, and (9) capabilities of the outpatient facility. The availability of emergency difficult airway equipment, respiratory care equipment, radiology facilities, clinical laboratory facilities, and a transfer agreement with an inpatient facility should be considered in making this determination.

These patients should not be discharged from the recovery area to an unmonitored setting (i.e., home or unmonitored hospital bed) until they are no longer at risk for postoperative respiratory depression. Because of their propensity to develop airway obstruction or central respiratory depression, this may require a longer stay as compared with non-OSA patients undergoing similar procedures. Adequacy of postoperative respiratory function may be documented by observing patients in an unstimulated environment, preferably while they seem to be asleep, to establish that they are able to maintain their baseline oxygen saturation while breathing room air.


None provided




Scientific evidence was derived from aggregated research literature, and opinion-based evidence was obtained from surveys, open presentations, and other consensus-oriented activities (e.g., Internet posting). For purposes of literature aggregation, potentially relevant clinical studies were identified via electronic and manual searches of the literature.




Not applicable: The guideline was not adapted from another source.


2006 May


American Society of Anesthesiologists - Medical Specialty Society


American Society of Anesthesiologists


Task Force on Perioperative Management of Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea


Task Force Members: Jeffrey B. Gross, MD (Chair), Farmington, Connecticut; Kenneth L. Bachenberg, MD, Bellingham, Washington; Jonathan L. Benumof, MD, San Diego, California; Robert A. Caplan, MD, Seattle, Washington; Richard T. Connis, PhD, Woodinville, Washington; Charles J. Coté, MD, Boston, Massachusetts; David G. Nickinovich, PhD, Bellevue, Washington; Vivek Prachand, MD, Chicago, Illinois; Denham S. Ward, MD, Rochester, New York; Edward M. Weaver, MD, MPH, Seattle, Washington; Lawrence Ydens, MD, Santa Fe, New Mexico; Song Yu, MD, Farmington, Connecticut


Not stated


This is the current release of the guideline.


Electronic copies: Available from the Anesthesiology Journal Web site.

Print copies: Available from the American Society for Anesthesiologists, 520 North Northwest Highway, Park Ridge, IL 60068-2573.



None available


This NGC summary was completed by ECRI on June 1, 2006. The information was verified by the guideline developer on June 8, 2006.


This NGC summary is based on the original guideline, which is subject to the guideline developer's copyright restrictions.



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