Hispanic Employment Program

Program Manager: Reyna Sabina
Job title: Mathematician
Reyna was hired as a Mathematician in 1976 by the Sea-Air Interaction Division. Reyna was a recipient of a NOAA Fellowship in 1977 which provided training in career enhancing skills in the field of Computer Sciences. Reyna serves as a Hispanic Program Manager (HPM) with collateral assignments.

Purpose of Program

The Hispanic Program was created to address the special equal employment programs and concerns of Hispanic men and women.

Although this special emphasis program is dedicated to the problems typically faced by Hispanic Americans, the Hispanic Prgram, (HP), is not an isolated and separate effort; it is an integral part of the EEO program of the federal government.

Historical Role/ Accomplishments of Program

The AOML Hispanic Employment Program's current and historical involvements include:

Plans for the Near Future

Continue to provide community outreach services.