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Thursday, November 6th, 2008

 Release of new version of database retrieval program

Today NGS is implementing a new datasheet retrieval program to facilitate publication of data from the Southern Louisiana Height Modernization project completed after Hurricane Katrina in conjunction with FEMA post hurricane recovery efforts.  There should be no change in the datasheets published for other parts of the country, but special circumstances caused by subsidence in the southern Louisiana region require some changes to the publication of certain stations there.  In 2004, a similar project was published in the NGS Database and NAVD 88 orthometric height data was made available in a defined subsidence region of southern Louisiana for stations in this project.  Heights for other bench marks in the region were suppressed to prevent use of the outdated data with the new values.  The project completed in 2006 covers a geographic area that extends further north in Louisiana, and densifies the vertical network by more than 230 additional bench marks.

Please direct questions concerning the project or data in southern Louisiana to the State Geodetic Advisor or the Height Modernization Manager.

The main link to the database retrieval program can be found here.

Last updated by ngs.webmaster on Wednesday, 19-Nov-2008 09:14:17 EST