Smithsonian Photography Initiative Home

click! Photography Changes Everything

Photography is central to understanding who we are and how we portray ourselves and those around us.

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Photography does more than document what we’ve done; it shapes what we do.

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Photography allows us to see what the human eye cannot, what lies outside our daily experience, and determines what we choose to show to each other.

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Photography enables us to see beyond the boundaries of everyday life in ways that were once unimaginable.

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Photography powerfully shapes our needs and expresses desire.

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Photography influences and alters our relationship to history, memory, and even death.

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click! photography changes everything is a collection of essays and stories by invited contributors and visitors like you discussing how photography shapes our culture and our lives.

Explore how photography changes Who We Are, What We Do, What We See, Where We Go, What We Want and What We Remember.


Stewart Brand Photography changes our relationship to our planet

Stewart Brand, founder, editor, and publisher of the Whole Earth Catalog, recounts how the first photograph of the earth, taken from space, sparked environmental awareness and ultimately activism.


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