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Ambulatory Surgical Centers

Provider / Supplier / Other:

        Ambulatory Surgical Centers

Publication date: 

        August 5, 1982

Effective date: 

        September 7, 1982

CFR section numbers:

        42 CFR 416.2, 416.40-49

CFR section descriptions:

        Definitions, Conditions for Coverage

Brief description of document(s):

42 CFR 416.2 (Definitions):  This section includes a definition for the following terms:  Ambulatory surgical center, Covered surgical procedures, and Facility services.

42 CFR 416.40-49 (CfCs):  These sections contain the minimum health and safety standards that all ASCs must meet. Covered topics include, but are not limited to, requirements for the ASC's  governing body and management, the provision of surgical services, and the keeping of medical records.


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