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Date:   Mon, 30 Jan 2006 07:40:17 -0500
Reply-To:   Subject Coordinates Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:   Subject Coordinates Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
From:   "Colleen R. Cahill" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:   First steps to coordinates in LC authority records
Comments:   To: [log in to unmask]
Content-Type:   TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

At the mid-Winter ALA in San Antonio, MARBI (Machine-Readable Bibliographic Information) Committee agreed to moving forward on Discussion Paper No. 2006-DP01: Recording geographic coordinates in the MARC 21 Authority Format <>. This discussion paper was brought forward through the work of Jimmie Lundgren, Science and Social Science Cataloging Unit Head, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida and Rebecca Gunther, Senior Networking and Standards Specialist, Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress, with the encouragement of many, many people. My personal thanks to all who helped with this success!

The next step will be to form a purposal, which Rebecca Guenther will be working on in the future. While this is going on, there will be opportunities for us to begin gathering data and coordinate tools to manipulate this data. One piece I am looking for is a program that will batch convert decimal coordinates to format of degrees, minutes, seconds used in the MARC standard 034 for bibligraphic records and also from the 034 format to decimal degrees. I have a Excel file of over 3000 records I can start testing with: this would be the modern bounding box coordinates for the counties in the United States. If anyone knows of such a program, please let me know.

Colleen Colleen R. Cahill | [log in to unmask] Digital Production Coordinator | (202)707-8540 & Recommending Officer for | FAX (202)707-8531 Science Fiction & Fantasy | Library of Congress These opinions are mine, Mine, Mine! | Washington, DC 20540-4652

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