Boating Regulations


The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) requires each group floating the river to fill out a self-registration permit. Permits are available at launch sites. Permits are free. Leave No Trace camping including the use of river toilets and fire pans, is mandatory.

Operating a commercial business on the John Day River requires a Special Recreation Permit; please call 541-416-6718 for information. A trip is considered to be commercial if any participant pays a fee that exceeds the equal sharing of trip expenses between all participants, if the trip is publicly advertised, or if the trip includes paid staff.

Terms and Conditions of Permit

  1. Fire Closure: Due to high fire danger, the John Day River is closed to all campfires and charcoal fires from June 1 through September 30 each year. Propane and white gas stoves and shielded lanterns are permitted. Smoking is permitted only in a closed vehicle, while standing in the water, or while in a boat on the water. Using or possessing fireworks is prohibited at all times.
  2. Firepans: Ground fires and rock fire rings are not permitted. Fires and ash must be completely contained in a metal firepan with sides at least two inches high. Locate the firepan near the river, away from dry vegetation, and elevate the firepan on rocks to prevent fire scars. Burn wood from home, charcoal, driftwood, or dead and down vegetation. Standing vegetation, either dead or alive, may not be cut or gathered. All campfire residue must be carried out of the canyon.
  3. Pack It In, Pack It Out: Remove all garbage from the river canyon, including cigarette butts, toilet paper and nut shells. Food scraps should be picked up from the kitchen area and packed out, to keep insects and mice to a minimum. Do not bury trash; animals will dig it up. Trash receptacles are not available at take-out sites. Trash must be transported home for disposal.
  4. Carry Out Human Waste: On overnight trips, all boating groups are required to carry and use a leak proof, portable, reusable toilet system to remove solid human waste from the river canyon. The toilet must be large enough to service the entire party for the complete length of the trip and be compatible with a standard dump station. Toilets using plastic bags are not acceptable, with the exception of the Wag Bag, which is permitted. To protect the environment in the event of a boating mishap, used Wag Bags must be stored in a screw-lid container or a heavy-duty dry bag during the trip. River toilet dump stations are available at Clarno and Cottonwood take-outs. A list of RV dump stations is posted on BLM bulletin boards. Disposing of Wag Bags in a river toilet dump station is prohibited. Used Wag Bags must be transported home for disposal.
  5. Maximum Group Size: Overnight trips are limited to 16 persons to reduce impacts to campsites.
  6. Motorized Boating: The John Day River is closed to motorized watercraft year-round between Clarno and Cottonwood Bridge and is closed seasonally from May 1 to October 1 between Service Creek and Clarno and between Cottonwood Bridge and Tumwater Falls. (An exception is made for small electric motors, 40 lbs. thrust or less, which are permitted between Service Creek and Clarno.) There are no restrictions upstream of Service Creek. The river is closed to personal watercraft (jet skis) year-round upstream of Tumwater Falls.

Report violations of the above regulations to the Prineville District BLM Office (541-416-6700) or BLM Law Enforcement (1-800-333-7283).

Additional Information

Safety: Many sections of the John Day River are very remote and primitive. Facilities are located only at put-in and take-out sites. Depending on the water flow and the section of river you choose to float, you may encounter Class lll to lV rapids. Water flow, water temperature, and weather can be variable and extreme. Oregon Marine Board regulations require a Type lll or V PFD (life preserver) for all persons on a boat, and children 12 and younger must wear a personal floatation device while riding in a boat. Each boat is also required to carry a whistle and an emergency throw rope. Each boat should have extra oars/paddles, and each group should have a first aid kit, repair kit and pump for inflatable craft.

Weed Control: Photo records of vegetation on the John Day river show that noxious weeds are spreading like wildfire. Weed seeds are spread by wind, water, livestock, wildfire, vehicles, and people. You can lessen the spread of weeds by limiting your travel through weed areas. When setting up camp, locate your kitchen, tent sites, and toilet carefully, so that you don't encourage foot traffic through weeds. If you would like to help control weeds by hand pulling, you may pull and bag weeds (be sure to wear gloves) and leave bags at the take-out for pick-up. Call the BLM at (541) 416-6700 for weed pick-up.