Search Results

1 record matched your query [90716259].

Record 1 is displayed.

Title:         Roe vs. Wade / NBC ; produced and directed by Gregory
Published:     United States : NBC-TV, 1989.
Description:   2 videocassettes of 2 : sd., col. ; 3/4 in. viewing
LC Call No.:   VBH 0033-0034 (viewing copy)
Notes:         Copyright: National Broadcasting Company, Inc. DCR
                  1989; PUB 15May89; REG [date unknown]; PA483-410.
               Production no. 3080.
               Reference source used: copyright data sheet.
               Received: 12/3/90; viewing copy; copyright
                  deposit--RNR; Copyright Collection.
Other authors: Copyright Collection (Library of Congress) DLC
Source:        DLC DLC amim
Control No.:   11540653

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