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End Stage Renal Disease Composite Rate Payment System File

This file contains select claim level data and is derived from 2007 ESRD facility outpatient claims, updated through June 30, 2008 that is, claims with dates of service from January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007 that were received, processed, paid, and passed to the National Claims History file by December 31, 2007.  This file includes about 3 million claims, paid to dialysis facilities under the Composite Rate Payment System.  This is a flat file.  The record length is 6373, and the blocksize is 32,760.

The file includes data elements such as diagnosis codes, bill type, and service revenue payments that may permit identification of beneficiaries.

Media: DVD
Cost: $600
Available: Final 2009

To browse the record layout, see the Downloads section below.

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Record Layout [PDF, 29 KB]
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Page Last Modified: 01/15/2009 9:31:01 AM
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