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Transplant Center

Publication date:

    Year that existing regulations were published (ESRD Services -  Conditions for Coverage 1976; Heart Transplants - Federal Notice 1987;  Liver Transplants - Federal Notice 1991; Lung Transplants - Federal Notice 1995;  Pancreas Transplants – Coverage Issue Manual – 1999; Intestinal Transplants – National Coverage Determination - 2001)

    The proposed regulation was published on February 4, 2005.

Effective date:

    June 27, 2007

CFR section numbers:

    42   FR §482.68 - §482.104

    Affected CFR sections:

        Part 405 Subpart U --- §405.2120 - §405.2134, and §405.2170 - §405.2171 are removed.

        Part 482 is amended by revising subpart E to read as Subpart E – Requirements for Specialty Hospitals 42 CFR §482.68 -


        Part 488 --- §488.61 Special procedures for approval and re-approval of organ transplant centers is added to subpart B.

CFR section descriptions:

    42 CFR Part 482 Medicare Program: Hospital Conditions of Participation: Requirements for Approval and Re-approval of Transplant Centers to Perform Organ Transplants; Proposed Rule.

Brief description of document(s):

    The above proposed rule sets forth data submission, outcome measure and process requirements that transplant centers must meet to participate as Medicare-approved centers.  These requirements focus on an organ transplant center's ability to perform successful transplants and deliver quality patient care as evidenced by good outcomes and sound policies and procedures.  The proposed rule protects the health and safety of transplant recipients and living donors.


Final Rule: Hospital Conditions of Participation: Requirements for Approval and Re-approval of Transplant Centers to Perform Organ Transplants [PDF, 606 KB]
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The Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients


Page Last Modified: 01/08/2009 6:46:53 AM
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