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  1. IRVEN-Production Version 2.0 (09/20/08)--in effect on October 1, 2008 is available for download from the Software page.
  2. Federal Register Correction Notice (73 FR 52928) to the IRF PPS Final Rule for Fiscal Year 2009 (CMS-1554-F) is available for download from the "List of IRF Federal Regulations" page. This notice reports the correct CMG relative weight for CMG 0405, Tier 1, as 3.0347.
  3. IRF PAI Data Specifications and CMG 2.30 version 2.30 Grouper Package are available for download from the "Software" page.
  4. Data Files to the IRF PPS Final Rule for Federal Fiscal Year 2009 (73 FR 46370) are available for download from the "Data Files" page.
  5. IRF PPS Final Rule for Federal Fiscal Year 2009 (CMS-1554-F)--display copy--is available for download from the "List of IRF Federal Regulations" page.

  6. Data Files to the IRF PPS Proposed Rule for Federal Fiscal Year 2009 are available for download from the "Data Files" page.



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Page Last Modified: 10/09/2008 1:33:34 PM
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