U S Department of Health and Human Services www.hhs.gov
  CMS Home > Medicare > Prospective Payment Systems - General Information > HIPPS Codes


This web page contains information related to the use and maintenance of the Health Insurance Prospective Payment System (HIPPS) codeset. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are named in the ASC X12 837 Institutional Claim Implementation Guide as the code source for HIPPS codes.

  • Definition and Uses of HIPPS Codes (see file below) Updated: Dec 2005
  • HIPPS Code Master List (see file below) - an Excel spreadsheet that provides a complete list of all valid HIPPS codes, with their effective dates, payment settings and code definitions. Updated: Oct 2005
  • Change Request Process (see file below) - describes the steps necessary to request a modification in the HIPPS codeset and the CMS code approval process.
  • Change Request History (see file below) - an Excel spreadsheet that documents the disposition of all change requests received as of the most recent HIPPS code update. Updated: Oct 2005

Contact HIPPS: If you have questions regarding the HIPPS codeset that are not answered in the information below, write to HIPPS@cms.hhs.gov. 


Definition and Uses of HIPPS Codes (PDF, 87KB)

HIPPS Code Master List (ZIP, 347KB) - Updated 08/11/08

Change Request Process (PDF, 93KB)

Change Request History (ZIP, 4KB)

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Page Last Modified: 01/20/2009 9:50:55 AM
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