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Washington, D.C.Today, Congressman Ralph M. Hall (R-TX) was reappointed as Ranking Member of the House Science and Technology Committee.  Ranking Member Hall has served on the Committee since he was first elected to Congress in 1980, and has been the Ranking Member for the last two years.


“I am honored that the Republican Party has returned me as Ranking Member of the House Science and Technology Committee,” remarked Hall.  “I am proud of the Committee’s record in shaping our Nation’s policies in space and aeronautics, energy and environment, and research and technology.  The Committee is strategically positioned to tackle some of our most pressing national issues.  I will work to promote policies that bolster America’s technological leadership, and ensure that our Nation remains not only competitive, but also the world leader in innovation.”


As Ranking Member last Congress, Hall was instrumental in passing key pieces of legislation, including a comprehensive NASA reauthorization bill and the America COMPETES act, a bill that authorizes a doubling of basic science research funding and helps to ensure our Nation’s future economic competitiveness by improving science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education.  He also pressed for reducing America’s dependence on foreign sources of energy by promoting a wide range of energy solutions. 


“In the 111th Congress, I hope to build on the Committee’s successful record of accomplishments to advance domestic energy solutions to move our Nation toward energy independence, maintain America’s preeminence in space in order to secure our technological and economic leadership in the world, improve STEM education to promote competitiveness in the global marketplace, and invest in next-generation technologies to strengthen our national and economic security,” Hall said.  “In all of these areas, we must ensure that taxpayer dollars are wisely and effectively invested to provide the greatest return to the American people.” 



