USDA ARS United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville Area

Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN)

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  GRIN Taxonomy for Plants
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Taxon: Symphytum officinale L. subsp. officinale

Genus: Symphytum
Family: Boraginaceae subfamily: Boraginoideae.
Nomen number: 413643
Name verified on: 18-May-1999 by ARS Systematic Botanists. Last updated: 17-Jun-2008
Species priority site is: North Central Regional PI Station (NC7).


See other conspecific taxa:

Distributional range:

    Western Asia: Turkey
    Caucasus: Russian Federation - Ciscaucasia
    Siberia: Russian Federation - Western Siberia [w.]
    Soviet Middle Asia: Kazakhstan
    Northern Europe: United Kingdom
    Middle Europe: Austria; Belgium; Czechoslovakia; Germany; Hungary; Netherlands; Poland; Switzerland
    East Europe: Belarus; Moldova; Russian Federation - European part; Ukraine
    Southeastern Europe: Bulgaria; Former Yugoslavia; Italy [incl. Sardinia, Sicily]; Romania
    Southwestern Europe: France; Spain


  • Tutin, T. G. et al., eds. 1964–1980. Flora europaea. (F Eur)

Check other databases for Symphytum officinale L. subsp. officinale:

Check other databases for images:

  • Google Images Images Note: Be advised that their identity may be inaccurate. Proper identification of a plant may require specialized taxonomic knowledge or comparison with properly documented herbarium material.

Abbreviations & symbols in GRIN Taxonomy

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Cite as:
USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program.
Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN) [Online Database].
National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
URL: (20 October 2008)

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