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Other HIPAA Resources

HIPAA Outreach Email Updates- Want to learn about the latest Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) outreach materials and events? Join our HIPAA outreach email updates.  To sign up, see the Related Links Inside CMS section below.  

The National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS) - A public advisory board to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. See the link in the Related Links Outside CMS section below. 

Accredited Standards Committee (ASC X12) - An ANSI accredited standards organization responsible for the development and maintenance of electronic data interchange (EDI) standards for many industries.  The "X12" or insurance section of ASC X12 handles the EDI for the health insurance industry's administrative transactions.  Under HIPAA, X12 standards have been adopted for most of the transactions between health plans and providers.  See the link in the "Related Links Outside CMS" section below.  

National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP)- This organization creates and promotes standards for the transfer of data to and from the pharmacy services sector of the healthcare industry.  Under HIPAA, NCPDP standards were adopted for several retail pharmacy transactions.  See the link in the Related Links Outside CMS section below.

Designated Standard Maintenance Organizations (DSMO) - Those organizations designated by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services to maintain the standards adopted under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Administrative Simplification.  The current organizations serving as DSMOs' are: Accredited Standards Committee X12, Dental Content Committee of the American Dental Association, Health Level Seven, National Council for Prescription Drug Programs, National Uniform Billing Committee, and National Uniform Claim Committee.  See the link in the Related Links Outside CMS section below.

X12 Implementation Guides - These X12 Implementations are the specific technical instructions for implementing each of the adopted standards.  The Implementation Guides, are prepared by X12 (as the standard maintainer) and are made available to the public by the Washington Publishing Company for a modest fee.  To acquire the HIPAA transaction implementation guides, see the link in the Related Links Outside CMS section below.

Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI) - Fosters widespread support for the adoption of electronic commerce in healthcare. See the link in the Related Links Outside CMS section below.

Strategic National Implementation Process (SNIP) - A collaborative healthcare industry process for the implementation of the HIPAA standards. This website includes white papers on transactions, security, identifiers, and privacy. See the link in the Related Links Outside CMS section below.

Medicare Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) - This is the official Medicare website that contains important information about how providers can communicate electronically with the Medicare Program. This website contains EDI formats and instructions, transaction mapping information, statistics, FAQs about Medicare EDI, and other valuable EDI data. See the link in the Related Links Inside CMS section below.

HIPAA Health Insurance Reform - Title I of HIPAA protects health insurance coverage for workers and their families when they change or lose their jobs. Visit this website to find out about pre-existing conditions and portability of health insurance coverage.  See the link in the Related Links Inside CMS section below.


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