Resource Evaluation and Assessment Division

Population Dynamics Branch
Chief: Dr. Paul Rago
Woods Hole Laboratory
(508) 495-2341
The Population Dynamics Branch develops information and provides advice to resource managers on the current status and future trends in abundance and productivity of marine fishery resources off the northeast coast of the United States. The Branch determines the effects of management
alternatives on population sizes and yields of fish and invertebrate stocks and develops improved quantitative techniques for stock assessment, forecasting of resource trends, and ecosystem modeling. Additional research deals with mixed fishery and multispecies effects on yields and population trends of component species-stocks and on marine ecosystems. Other studies focus on the biology and/or fisheries for species of particular management concern, such as striped bass and Atlantic salmon.

Branch Websites

Monkfish Egg Veil Sighting Network
Status of Fishery Resources off the Northeastern United States
Individual Species Responsibilities
Online Fish Tag Reporting
Collaborative research between the NEFSC and the Illex squid industry
Monkfish Research Survey
Cooperative Black Sea Bass Tagging Project
Cooperative Scup Tagging Project
Cooperative Yellowtail Flounder Tagging Project

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(Modified May. 21 2007)