[Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer] Code 916

Meteor-3 TOMS Instrument and Satellite Information

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As a team of NASA/Goddard scientists and engineers watched, a Soviet-built Cyclone booster carried the second TOMS into orbit and history. In the last days of the Cold War, Meteor-3 TOMS became the first and the last American-built instrument to fly on a Soviet spacecraft. Within weeks, Meteor-3 TOMS would become the first American instrument aboard a Russian spacecraft. Launched from the Plesetsk facility near the White Sea, Meteor-3 TOMS has a unique orbit that presents special problems for processing data.

Meteor-3 TOMS began returning data in August 1991 and stopped in December 1994. The Version 7 processed data include a revised instrument calibration and an improved algorithm. The Meteor-3 TOMS was launched from Plesetsk, Russia on a Cyclone booster. This link will help you learn more about the Russian Space Agency and their future Earth observing programs.

Meteor 3 Mission PatchHere's the official Meteor-3 TOMS mission patch (98 Kbytes)
Note: A 200 dpi version of the mission patch is also available (437k)

Check out Meteor-3 TOMS data and images