USDA Forest Service

Remote Sensing Lab, Ecosystem Planning

USDA Forest Service, Remote Sensing Lab, Sacramento, CA.
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3237 Peacekeeper Way
Suite 209
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United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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CalVeg Geobook

The CalVeg Geobook is a tool to help visualize vegetation data.

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Remote Sensing and Mapping Publications

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Greenberg, J.A., S.Z. Dobrowski, C.M. Ramirez, J.L. Tuil, and S.L. Ustin. 2006. A bottom-up approach to vegetation mapping of the Lake Tahoe Basin using hyperspatial image analysis. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 72(5): 581-589 (pdf 0.47 Mb)

Brohman, R.; Bryant, L. eds. 2005. Existing Vegetation Classification and Mapping Technical Guide. Gen. Tech. Rep. WO–67. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Ecosystem Management Coordination Staff. 305 p. Section 1: Tart, D.; Williams, C.; Brewer, C.; DiBenedetto, J.; and Schwind, B. 2005. Section 1: Existing Vegetation Classification and Mapping Framework. In: Brohman, R; Bryant, L. eds. Existing Vegetation Classification and Mapping Technical Guide. Gen. Tech. Rep. WO–67. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Ecosystem Management Coordination Staff. Section 2: Tart, D.; Williams, C.; DiBenedetto, J.; Crowe, E.; Girard, M.; Gordon, H.; Sleavin, K.; Manning, M.; Haglund, J.; Short, B.; and Wheeler, D. 2005. Section 2: Existing Vegetation Classification Protocol. In: Brohman, R; Bryant, L. eds. Existing Vegetation Classification and Mapping Technical Guide. Gen. Tech. Rep. WO–67. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Ecosystem Management Coordination Staff. Section 3: Brewer, C.; Schwind, B.; Warbington, R.; Clerke, W.; Krosse, P.; Suring, L.; and Schanta, M. 2005. Section 3: Existing Vegetation Mapping Protocol. In: Brohman; R. Bryant, L. eds. Existing Vegetation Classification and Mapping Technical Guide. Gen. Tech. Rep. WO–67. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Ecosystem Management Coordination Staff. (pdf 4.9 Mb)

Baccini, A.; Friedl, M. A.; Woodcock, C. E.; and Warbington, R. May 2004. Forest Biomass Estimation Over Regional Scales Using Multisource Data Department of Geography, Boston University and USDA Forest Service (pdf 0.13 Mb)

Clark, J.; Finco, M.; Warbington, R.; Schwind, B. April 2004. Digital Mylar: A Tool to Attribute Vegetation Polygon Features Over High-Resolution Imagery Remote Sensing for Field Users, Proceedings of the Tenth Forest Service Remote Sensing Applications Conference Salt Lake City, Utah. April 5 - 9 2004. (pdf 1.7 Mb)

Schwind, B.; Warbington, R.; Brohman, R. April 2004. USDA Forest Service Mapping Standards for Existing Vegetation - A Test of Base Level Mapping Standards Remote Sensing for Field Users, Proceedings of the Tenth Forest Service Remote Sensing Applications Conference Salt Lake City, Utah. April 5 - 9 2004. (pdf 0.67 Mb)

Riley, M.; Schwind, B.; Daliparthi, P.; Warbington, R. April 2002. A Comparison of Convertype Delineations from Automated Image Segmentation of Independent and Merged IRS and LANDSAT TM Image-Based Data Sets USDA Forest Service. (pdf 2.1 Mb)

Levien, L.; Schwind, B.; Fischer, C.; Rosenberg, M. April 2002. California Land Cover Mapping and Monitoring Program: A Cooperative USDA Forest Service and California Department of Forestry. (pdf 0.3 Mb)

Haynes, S.; Schwind, B.; Warbington, R. April 2002. Estimation of Dominant Tree Size in Coniferous Stands Using LANDSAT TM Data USDA Forest Service. (pdf 6.2 Mb)

Warbington, R.; Schwind, B.; Brohman, R.; Brewer, K.; Clerke, W. April 2002. Requirements of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems to Meet the New Forest Service Existing Vegetation Classification and Mapping Standards USDA Forest Service. (pdf 0.6 Mb)

Franklin, J.; Woodcock, C.; Warbington, R. October 2000. Multi-Attribute Vegetation Maps of Forest Service Lands in California Supporting Resource Management Decisions Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing Vol. 66, No. 10, pp. 1209-1217. (pdf 1.5 Mb)

Gordon, H.; Schwind, B. April 2000. The CalVeg Geobook - A Visual Tool for Describing Vegetation Information Derived From Remotely Sensed Data USDA Forest Service. (pdf 0.7 Mb)

Warbington, R.; Levien, L.; Rosenberg, M. April 2000. Monitoring Wildland Vegetation in California on a 5-Year Coordinated Schedule Using Remote Sensing, GIS and Ground Based Sampling USDA Forest Service and California Department of Forestry. (pdf 1.0 Mb)

Gill, S.; Milliken, J.; Beardsley, D.; Warbington, R. February 2000. Using a Mensuration Approach with FIA Vegetation Plot Data to Assess the Accuracy of Tree Size and Crown Closure Classes in a Vegetation Map of Northeastern California Remote Sensing Environment, 73:298-306. (pdf 0.15 Mb)

Schwind, B.; Warbington,R.; Curlis, C.; Daniel, S. 1999. Creating a Consistent and Standardized Vegetation Database for Northwest Forest Plan Monitoring in California. In Proceedings of the 1999 ASPRS Annual Conference, Portland, OR. USDA Forest Service. (html 0.04 Mb)

Milliken, J.; Beardsley, D.; Gill, S. April 1998. Accuracy Assessment of a Vegetation Map of Northeastern California Using Permanent Plots and Fuzzy Sets. Natural Resources Management Using Remote Sensing. In Proceedings of the Seventh Forest Service Remote Sensing Applications Conference, ASRPS, Bethesda, MD (html 0.07 Mb)

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Old Growth Publications

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Moeur, Melinda; Spies, Thomas A.; Hemstrom, Miles; Martin, Jon R.; Alegria, James; Browning, Julie; Cissel, John; Cohen, Warren B.; Demeo, Thomas E.; Healey, Sean; Warbington, Ralph. 2005. Northwest Forest Plan – The first 10 years (1994-2003): status and trend of late-successional and old-growth forest. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-646. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 142 p. (Link to PNW site)

Warbington, R.; Beardsley, D. August 2002. 2002 Estimates of Old Growth Forest on the 18 National Forests of the Pacific Southwest Region USDA Forest Service. (html 0.2 Mb)

Beardsley, D.; Bolsinger, C.; Warbington, R. February 1999. Old-Growth Forests in the Sierra Nevada: By Type in 1945 and 1993 and Ownership in 1993 USDA Forest Service. (pdf 4.0 Mb)

Hemstrom, M.; Spies, T.; Palmer, C.; Kiester, R.; Teply, J.; McDonald, P.; Warbington, R. December 1998. Late-Successional and Old Growth Forest Effectiveness Monitoring Plan for the Northwest Forest Plan USDA Forest Service. (pdf 0.3 Mb)

Beardsley, D.; Warbington, R. June 1996. Old Growth in Northwestern California National Forests USDA Forest Service. (pdf 3.5 Mb)

Bolsinger, C.; Waddell, K. December 1993. Area of Old-Growth Forests in California, Oregon, and Washington USDA Forest Service. (pdf 2.4 Mb)

Potter, D.; Smith, M.; Beck, T.; Kermeen, B.; Hance, W.; Robertson, S. February 1992. Old Growth Definitions/Characteristics for Eleven Forest Cover Types, Pacific Southwest Region, California USDA Forest Service. (pdf 13.2 Mb)

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Vegetation Inventory Publications


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Walker, R.; Rosenberg, M.; Warbington, R.; Schwind, B.; Beardsley, D.; Ramirez, C.; Fischer, L.; Frerichs, B. June 2006. Inventory of Tree Mortality in Southern California Mountains (2001-2004) due to Bark Beetle Impacts California Dept. of Forestry and USDA Forest Service. (pdf 15.1 Mb)

Gaman, T.; Casey, K. 2002. Inventory of Oaks on California's National Forest Lands USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-184. (pdf 0.62 Mb)

Inventory Field Guides

The following Field Instruction Manuals come from the Pacific Northwest Forest Inventory and Analysis (PNW FIA) webpage at: under the heading "Multi States".

The following two Common Stand Exam manuals come from a Forest Service Intranet website, not accessible on the World Wide Web, at

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Western Core Table Reports

The Western Core Table Reports show estimated areas and volumes for a number of different variables by Forest and by Region. For detailed descriptions of the various reports check out the descriptions page.

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USDA Forest Service - Remote Sensing Lab, Ecosystem Planning
Last Modified: Tuesday, 25 March 2008 at 13:00:05 EDT

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