USDA Forest Service

State and Private Forestry - Pacific Southwest Region


Southern California Shared Service Area

Providing forest health technical assistance, training sessions and technology transfer to:

  • Los Padres, Angeles, San Bernardino and Cleveland National Forests
  • 1 National Monument
  • 1 National Park
  • 1 National Recreation Area
  • Military lands
  • Many State Parks, including Anza-Borrego Desert S.P., greater than 600,000 acres
  • 29 Indian Reservations

Unique Features

  • All four NF’s are managed primarily for recreation
  • Portions of service area comprise one of ten highest biodiversity hotspots at the global level.
  • Endemic forest tree species, including Pseudotsuga macrocarpa, Abies bracteata, Pinus californiarum, and rare Cupressus spp. exist in this SSA
  • Two thirds of the human population of California lives within the service area, a total of 24 million people
  • Much of the service area is subject to drought and density dependent tree mortality, proximally caused by bark beetle infestation
  • The Coastal Ranges include areas infested with two exotics, Phytophthora ramorum (sudden oak death) and Fusarium circinatum (pine pitch canker)
  • The busiest seaports in the United States are located in southern California, providing opportunities for importation of exotic pests
  • Major native forest pests include Heterobasidion annosum, Arceuthobium spp., Dendroctonus spp., Ips spp., and Melanophila californica



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USDA Forest Service - State and Private Forestry
Last Modified: Wednesday, 12 November 2008 at 11:58:31 EST

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