USDA Forest Service

State and Private Forestry - Pacific Southwest Region


FHP in Hawaii

Providing forest health technical assistance, training, sessions and technology transfer to:

  • 3 National Parks – Haleakala National Park, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Kaluapapa National Historical Park
  • 2 National Wildlife Refuges; Hakalau National Wildlife Refuge; Oahu Forest National Wildlife Refuge
  • State Forest Lands; including Forest Reserves and Natural Area Reserves
  • Private Forest Lands
Unique Features:
  • Hawaii’s forest health issues are dominated by invasive, exotic species, including weeds, insects, pathogens, and vertebrates.
  • In this age of accelerated movement of people and goods the Pacific, Hawaii is particularly vulnerable to new introductions and is also a potential source of invasive species to the US mainland. An average of 40 new plant species are introduced to Hawaii each year. Other areas in the Pacific will also experience similar increases from historic levels.
  • Hawaii has the only tropical forests in the United States.
  • Hawaii has almost one quarter of the nation’s threatened and endangered plants and animals.
  • Loss of habitat from invasive species impacts is one of the principal factors in the reduction of most of the 317 T/E species in Hawaii.
  • For the last two years the State of Hawaii, through the Hawaii Invasive Species Council, has spent over $4 million dollars a year on invasive species prevention, detection, control, research and outreach.
Recent Publications
Current Projects:
The Invasive Species Committees (ISC) in Hawaii
  • The Hawaii Invasive Species Committees continue to play an important role in invasive species control on state and private forested lands in Hawaii. Target goals of the FY 2005 FHP Prevention and Suppression program in Hawaii are the treatment of over 25 species of invasive plants on 39,700 acres on Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai and Hawaii. Principal species targeted include Miconia calvescens, Bocconia frutescens, Pennisetum setaceum, Cortaderia spp. Coccinia grandis, Tibouchina spp.and Prosopis juliflora. Early detection surveys of incipient weeds and rapid response efforts continue to be a key element of all island programs.
Hawai`i-Pacific Weed Risk Assessment (HPWRA)
  • This database provides tools for assessing the risk of introduced plants in for forestry and landscape purposes in Hawaii. Outreach to the nursery industry in Hawai`i, a major source of new plant introductions to Hawaii, is increasing the success of this tool.
Economics of Miconia Management
  • USDA T-Star grant to evaluate the Economics of Managing the invasive tree Miconia calvescens in Hawaii
Efficacy of Miconia Control Efforts
  • National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grant to the Big Island Invasive Species Committee to evaluate the effectiveness of Miconia calvescens control efforts on the island of Hawaii.
Related Links:


USDA Forest Service - State and Private Forestry
Last Modified: Thursday, 04 September 2008 at 15:45:01 EDT

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