USDA Forest Service

State and Private Forestry - Pacific Southwest Region


2006 Draft Aerial Survey Results - 100K Quads

The quad maps posted below are based on aerial surveys conducted in 2006 by Forest Health Protection, Pacific Southwest Region. Maps are in draft format and will be updated pending review by survey specialists. The draft data has been posted in response to requests for immediate aerial survey results from our partners and other land management agencies.

Each map is a 1 to 4 MB pdf file. These files are best viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 7.0. These files may take anywhere from 1-3 minutes to completely download through your browser, or you can right-click and save the files to your computer.

The survey data used in creating draft maps is not available for download. However, the data will be made available as coverages and GoogleEarth .kmz when finalized. For More information on the data, please contact Zachary Health.

Click on the highlighted quad for the 2006 draft aerial survey results.

  • Damage Type is always mortality unless otherwise noted
  • Comments may be included for additional surveyor observations & shorthand, such as for Damage Agent

Coding Explanation for DRAFT Aerial Survey Data
Forest Type Description
MC Mixed conifer
RW Redwood
IC Incense-cedar
DF Douglas-fir
BCDF Bigcone Douglas-fir
P pine spp.
CP Coulter pine
JP Jeffrey pine
LP Lodgepole pine
PP Ponderosa pine
SP Sugar pine
PY pinyon sp.
GP Gray pine
WP any of the 5-needle pines
F fir spp.
WF White fir
RF California or Shasta red fir
SLF Santa Lucia fir
H hardwood
BOK California black oak
WOK California white oak
LOK Live oak spp.
CLOK Canyon live oak
TOK Tanoak
MAD Pacific madrone
Damage Type Description
Mort Mortality
Break Breakage
Top Topkill
Disc Discoloration
Defol Defoliation
Flag Flagging
Damage Agent Description
Snow Snow Damage
Flood Flooding/High Water
WiF Wild Fire
RxF Prescribed Fire
Leafroller Fruit-Tree Leaf Roller
Ips Ips spp.
Oth other

Zachary Heath
Aerial Survey Specialist

1731 Research Park Drive
Davis, CA 95618

Phone: (530) 759-1751

USDA Forest Service - State and Private Forestry
Last Modified: Thursday, 04 September 2008 at 15:29:20 EDT

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