U.S. Census Bureau
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Welcome to Jobs @ Census

The Jobs @ Census site was designed to help prospective employees match their interests and experience with one of the many positions available at the Census Bureau. To learn more about the Census Bureau's mission, employment opportunities and culture, watch this video .

The U.S. Census Bureau headquarters is located in Suitland, Maryland, just outside the District of Columbia.

The National Processing Center (NPC) is located in Jeffersonville, Indiana. The NPC also has two call centers located in Hagerstown, Maryland and Tucson, Arizona.

The Census Bureau has 12 Regional Offices located in Atlanta, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Kansas City, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia and Seattle.

Are You Interested in....

Headquarters and NPC Employment Opportunities

2010 Census and Regional Office Employment Opportunities

Student and Research Opportunities