

80 Years Ago - 1928

Apr. 11: First manned rocket car tested by Fritz von Ope1 at Berlin, Germany, 62 miles per hour top speed.


50 Years Ago - 1958

Apr. 25:  First successful launch and inflation in space of a sphere by NACA on Nike-Cajun rocket, WFF.


45 Years Ago - 1963

Apr. 2: Explorer 17 launched, 9:00 p.m., EST, ESMC.  First in NASA sounding rocket program when NASA launched 85 pound scientific payload to 208 mile altitude.

Apr. 2: Luna 4 Launch (Soviet Moon Flyby Mission)


40 Years Ago - 1968

Apr. 4:- Apollo 6 launched, 7:OO a.m., EST, KSC.

Apr. 7: Luna 14 Launch (Soviet Moon Orbiter)


35 Years Ago - 1973

Apr. 3: Salyut 2 launched, 0900 GMT, Baikonur.

Apr. 5: Pioneer 11 launched, 9:11 p.m., EST, ESMC. First spacecraft to fly to Saturn. First spacecraft to take close-up pictures of Saturn.

First spacecraft to provide pictures of the polar regions of Jupiter.

Apr. 19: Intercosmos Copernicus 500 launched, 1020 GMT, Kapustin Yar.

Apr. 20: Anik 2 launched, 6:47 p.m., EST, ESMC.


30 Years Ago – 1978

Apr. 26: Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM/AEM-1) launched, 5:20 a.m. , EST, WSMC.


25 Years Ago – 1983

Apr. 4: STS-6 launched, 1:30 p.m., EST, KSC. Weitz, Bobko, Peterson and Musgrave, TDRS-1 launched from STS-6 the same day.

First flight of the orbiter Challenger.

First Tracking and Data Relay Satellite successfully deployed.

First space walk of Shuttle program [D. Peterson & S. Musgrave].

First flight of the lightweight external tank and lightweight solid rocket booster casings.


20 Years Ago – 1988

Apr. 25: SOOS 5 (Stacked Oscar on Scout) launched, 9:57 p.m., EDT, WSMC. Dual satellites launched by NASA for the U.S.Navy.


15 Years Ago – 1993

Apr.:  Using data from the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS), scientists from the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., determined that ozone levels over the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere had reached record low levels in the second half of 1992.

Apr. 8: STS-56 (Shuttle Discovery) launched 1:29 a.m. EDT, KSC. Carried Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science-2 (ATLAS-2). Astronauts Kenneth D. Cameron, Stephen S. Oswald, C. Michael Foale, Kenneth D. Cockrell, and Ellen Ochoa. Landed April 17, 1993, 7:37 a.m. EDT, KSC. Mission duration 9 days, 6 hours, 8 minutes.

First Hispanic female astronaut to fly in space. [E. Ochoa]

Apr. 25: Array of Low Energy X-Ray Imaging Sensors (ALEXIS) spacecraft launched. First all DoE sponsored satellite.

Apr. 26: STS-55 (Shuttle Columbia) launched 10:50 a.m. EDT, KSC. Carried the second reusable German Spacelab, D-2. Astronauts Steven R. Nagel, Terence T. Henricks, Jerry L. Ross, Charles J. Precourt, Bernard A. Harris Jr., Ulrich Walter, and Hans Schlegel. Landed May 6, 1993, 10:30 a.m. EDT, Edwards AFB. Mission duration 9 days, 23 hours, 39 minutes.


10 Years Ago – 1998

Apr. 1: Transition Region And Coronal Explorer (TRACE) spacecraft launched to study the Sun's atmosphere.

Apr. 17: STS-90 launched April 17, 1998 2:19 p.m. EDT, KSC. Carried Neurolab to study neurological and

behavioral changes in space. Astronauts Richard A. Searfoss, Scott D. Altman, Richard M. Linnehan, Dafydd Rhys Williams, Kathryn P. Hire, Jay C. Buckey, and James A. Pawelczyk. Landed May 3, 1998, 12:09 p.m. EDT, KSC. Mission duration 15 days, 21 hours, 50 minutes.

Apr. 21: Cassini Venus Flyby.

Apr. 24: Globalstar 5-8 commercial communications satellites launched.


5 Years Ago – 2003

Apr. 25: Expedition 7 International Space Station Crew (ISS) -- First American – (Ed Lu ) to launch as the Flight Engineer of a Soyuz spacecraft (Soyuz TMA-2) [Ed Lu]. First American to launch and land on a Soyuz Spacecraft. [Ed Lu]

Apr. 28: GALEX (GALaxy Evolution eXplorer) – a NASA astronomy satellite designed to explore the origin and evolution of galaxies, stars and heavy elements using an onboard ultraviolet telescope. Launched at 12:00 UT on 28 April 2003 by a Pegasus XL rocket released from a L-1011 cargo plane flying out of Cape Canaveral.