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Single Family Housing Direct Loans are for families seeking financing to purchase (existing or new construction), repair, or improve a home. This subsidized housing program offers loan benefits as down payment assistance to enable purchase with a loan through a private lending source (Rural Development accepts a junior lien behind the primary lender) or as a sole source of assistance for purchase, repair, or improvement.Sole source assistance is limited to families who are unable to obtain any part of the needed credit from another lending source.

Topics on this page include:

Program Details
More Information and How to Apply

Program Details


Applicant must have ability to repay loan, live in the new residence, be a citizen or non-citizen admitted to the United States of America for permanent residence or on indefinite parole, and other requirements. All requirements are subject to change. Family income can not exceed 80% of the county median income.


Funding is based upon an annual appropriation, and loans may be made for up to 100% of the appraised value. The Rural Development loan or portion of the loan may be subsidized based on financial need in order to show repayment capacity.


Maximum repayment typically is 33 years (subject to change based on applicant qualifications and security offered).


Current Interest Rate is used; however, a subsidy is provided to reduce the effective interest rate to as low as 1%.


Applicant family must have a credit record which reflects a history of meeting obligations as they become due.


Mortgage on Real Estate Financed.

More Information and How to Apply


Contact a local office or call toll free (866) 474-3600 for more information. Click here to print a Prequalification form.

Program Links
WI Areas Ineligible for Housing Programs
WI Income Limits for Single Family Housing Direct Loans (PDF)
Forms and Files
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Income and Property Eligibility
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Servicio de la Vivienda Rural