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Earth Sciences

MLS observes the ozone hole
Earth scientists at JPL conduct research to characterize and understand the atmosphere, land, and oceans on our home planet to make better predictions of future changes. Research is carried out in laboratory studies, aircraft, balloon, ground and space-based observations, theoretical modeling, and data analysis.
Atmospheric Science
Remote sensing, in situ, laboratory, and modeling studies in the field of atmospheric science. More details about the seminar 'Atmospheric Science'

Research activities related to the cryosphere involve the study of sea ice loss, ice sheets, and glaciers. More details about the seminar 'Cryosphere'

Ocean Science
Ocean science work at JPL focuses on global and regional ocean circulation, as well as the interactions of the oceans with the atmosphere and sea ice. More details about the seminar 'Ocean Science'

Solid Earth
Solid earth research at JPL includes research in geosciences and natural hazards. More details about the seminar 'Solid Earth'

Site Manager:  Brian Knosp
Webmasters:  Cornell Lewis, Maryia Davis
Science Writer:  Samantha Harvey
JPL Clearance:  CL#08-4147