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Ice Growth/Melt

GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Cryosphere >> Snow/Ice >> Ice Growth/Melt

Movie ID Title
Daily sea ice from 6/21/2002 through 9/22/2008 shown at a rate of 1 frame per day with a transparent background. 3564 Sea Ice over the Arctic and Antarctic designed for Science on a Sphere (SOS) and WMS
The animation of Arctic sea ice from January 1 through September 12, identified by NSIDC as the minimum extent for 2008. This animation has a two second hold on September 12, 2008. The date is displayed in the upper left corner. 3561 Close view of 2008 Arctic Sea Ice from AMSR-E
The animation of Arctic sea ice from January 1 through September 14, 2008. The date is displayed in the upper right corner. 3556 2008 Arctic Sea Ice from AMSR-E
Global daily AMSR-E Sea Ice for 2005 with one frame shown per day. 3507 2005 Sea Ice over the Arctic and Antarctic derived from AMSR-E (WMS and Science-on-a-Sphere)
Animation of sea ice motion around Antarctica during 2005 with a date overlay. 3497 AMSR-E Antarctic Sea Ice
Melt during 2007 3476 Annual Gradient Melt over Greenland 1979 through 2007
This animation shows the change in annual melt over Greenland from 1979 through 2007.  3475 Annual Accumulated Melt over Greenland 1979 through 2007
This animation shows a two zooms on a split screen: one to the United States and the other to the Arctic.  The Arctic shows the 2005 sea ice minimum extent and fades to show the 2007 minimum extent.  The state of California is placed in the melt region as a comparison of the area of the region. 3470 Comparison of Minimum Sea Ice Between 2005 and 2007 - Split Screen
This animation shows a comparison between the 2005 and 2007 minimum sea ice extent.  The state of California, shown in green, is compared to the area of melted region. 3469 Comparison of Minimum Sea Ice between 2005 and 2007 - Full Screen
This animation progresses at a rate of six frames per day from January 1, 2007 through the minimum extent which occurred on September 14, 2007. The false color of the sea ice highlights the fissures in blue and consolidated sea ice in white. 3466 2007 Arctic Sea Ice from AMSR-E with Greenland in Foreground
This image shows the minimum sea ice extent that occurred on September 14, 2007. 3456 2007 Arctic Sea Ice from AMSR-E with Alaska in Foreground
This animation shows the flow of the Jakobshavn glacier in 2000, followed by a time series of the glacier's retreat from 2001 through 2006. When pulling away from Greenland, a colored overlay shows the changes in the ice sheet elevation between 2003 and 2006. 3434 Updated Jakobshavn Glacier Calving Front Retreat from 2001 through 2006
This image portrays changes in the elevation over the Greenland ice sheet onto topography of Greenland measured by ICESat. 3410 Change in Elevation over Greenland
This animation shows seasonal changes in landcover and Arctic sea ice from 2005-09-21 through 2006-09-20. 3404 Global Rotation showing Seasonal Landcover and Arctic Sea Ice
This animation starts from a global view and zooms into the Ayles Ice Shelf.  The region is identified by a red outline.  The shelf itself is identified by two flashes of solid red before the ice shelf breakup is shown. A date/time bar shows the progression of time. 3401 Ayles Ice Shelf Breakup in Arctic
 This image of the Jakobshavn glacier on 07/07/2001 shows the  changes in the glacier's calving front between 1851 and 2006.  Historic calving front locations, 1851 through 1964, were compiled by Anker Weidick and Ole Bennike and are shown here in gray.  Recent calving front locations, 2001 through 2006, derived from satellite imagery are show in colors.  A distance scale is provided. 3395 Jakobshavn Glacier Calving Front Recession from 1850 to 2006
This animation shows snow cover, sea ice, clouds, sea surface temperature and biosphere while the view moves from North America across the Atlantic Ocean to Northern Africa and Europe. 3383 Sequence of Clouds, Snow Cover, Sea Ice, Sea Surface Temperature and Biosphere
This animation moves from a view of the Jakobshavn glacier in Greenland to a full global view, showing seasonal changes in Arctic sea ice and global snow cover. (slower version) 3373 Zoom from Jakobshavn Glacier with AMSR-E Daily Sea Ice and MODIS Daily Snow Cover
This animation shows the seasonal advance and retreat of sea ice over the Arctic from 8/5/2005 through 8/4/2006. The yearly cycle is repeated three times while the camera circles the Arctic, providing a view of the sea ice from a wide range of viewpoints. 3372 Loop of AMSR-E Daily Arctic Sea Ice from Aug 2005 to Aug 2006
This animation shows the three-year moving average September mean sea ice concentration in the northern hemisphere from 1979-1981 through 2003-2005. A date bar indicates the range of years averaged to compute the September mean shown. 3371 Three-Year Average September Minimum Sea Ice Concentration 1979 - 2005
This animation shows monthly average sea ice climatology from September through August displayed at a rate of two months per second.  The month is shown in the upper right corner. 3367 Arctic Monthly Average Sea Ice Climatology
The short version of the Cryosphere Tour, with narration and music. 3355 A Short Tour of the Cryosphere
VIDEO WITH MUSIC AND CAPTIONS 3181 A Tour of the Cryosphere

GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Cryosphere >> Sea Ice >> Ice Growth/Melt

Movie ID Title
Daily sea ice from 6/21/2002 through 9/22/2008 shown at a rate of 1 frame per day with a transparent background. 3564 Sea Ice over the Arctic and Antarctic designed for Science on a Sphere (SOS) and WMS
The animation of Arctic sea ice from January 1 through September 12, identified by NSIDC as the minimum extent for 2008. This animation has a two second hold on September 12, 2008. The date is displayed in the upper left corner. 3561 Close view of 2008 Arctic Sea Ice from AMSR-E
The animation of Arctic sea ice from January 1 through September 14, 2008. The date is displayed in the upper right corner. 3556 2008 Arctic Sea Ice from AMSR-E
Global daily AMSR-E Sea Ice for 2005 with one frame shown per day. 3507 2005 Sea Ice over the Arctic and Antarctic derived from AMSR-E (WMS and Science-on-a-Sphere)
Animation of sea ice motion around Antarctica during 2005 with a date overlay. 3497 AMSR-E Antarctic Sea Ice
Melt during 2007 3476 Annual Gradient Melt over Greenland 1979 through 2007
This animation shows the change in annual melt over Greenland from 1979 through 2007.  3475 Annual Accumulated Melt over Greenland 1979 through 2007
This animation shows a comparison between the 2005 and 2007 minimum sea ice extent.  The state of California, shown in green, is compared to the area of melted region. 3469 Comparison of Minimum Sea Ice between 2005 and 2007 - Full Screen
This animation shows the flow of the Jakobshavn glacier in 2000, followed by a time series of the glacier's retreat from 2001 through 2006. When pulling away from Greenland, a colored overlay shows the changes in the ice sheet elevation between 2003 and 2006. 3467 Updated Jakobshavn Glacier Calving Front Retreat from 2001 through 2006 with Blue/White Elevation Change over Greenland
This animation progresses at a rate of six frames per day from January 1, 2007 through the minimum extent which occurred on September 14, 2007. The false color of the sea ice highlights the fissures in blue and consolidated sea ice in white. 3466 2007 Arctic Sea Ice from AMSR-E with Greenland in Foreground
This image shows the minimum sea ice extent that occurred on September 14, 2007. 3456 2007 Arctic Sea Ice from AMSR-E with Alaska in Foreground
This animation shows seasonal changes in landcover and Arctic sea ice from 2005-09-21 through 2006-09-20. 3404 Global Rotation showing Seasonal Landcover and Arctic Sea Ice
This animation starts from a global view and zooms into the Ayles Ice Shelf.  The region is identified by a red outline.  The shelf itself is identified by two flashes of solid red before the ice shelf breakup is shown. A date/time bar shows the progression of time. 3401 Ayles Ice Shelf Breakup in Arctic
 This image of the Jakobshavn glacier on 07/07/2001 shows the  changes in the glacier's calving front between 1851 and 2006.  Historic calving front locations, 1851 through 1964, were compiled by Anker Weidick and Ole Bennike and are shown here in gray.  Recent calving front locations, 2001 through 2006, derived from satellite imagery are show in colors.  A distance scale is provided. 3395 Jakobshavn Glacier Calving Front Recession from 1850 to 2006
This animation shows the flow of the Jakobshavn glacier in 2000, followed by a time series of the glacier's retreat from 2001 through 2006.  A colored line and date marks the position of the glacier's calving front each year. 3374 Jakobshavn Glacier Flow in the year 2000 and Calving Front Retreat from 2001 to 2006
This animation moves from a view of the Jakobshavn glacier in Greenland to a full global view, showing seasonal changes in Arctic sea ice and global snow cover. (slower version) 3373 Zoom from Jakobshavn Glacier with AMSR-E Daily Sea Ice and MODIS Daily Snow Cover
This animation shows the three-year moving average September mean sea ice concentration in the northern hemisphere from 1979-1981 through 2003-2005. A date bar indicates the range of years averaged to compute the September mean shown. 3371 Three-Year Average September Minimum Sea Ice Concentration 1979 - 2005
This animation shows monthly average sea ice climatology from September through August displayed at a rate of two months per second.  The month is shown in the upper right corner. 3367 Arctic Monthly Average Sea Ice Climatology
The short version of the Cryosphere Tour, with narration and music. 3355 A Short Tour of the Cryosphere
VIDEO WITH MUSIC AND CAPTIONS 3181 A Tour of the Cryosphere
This is a conceptual animation showing how polar ice reflects light from the sun.  As this ice begins to melt, less sunlight gets reflected into space.  It is instead absorbed into the oceans and land, raising the overall temperature, and fueling further melting. 10160 Global Ice Albedo ALTERNATE
This is the high definition version of the Ice Albedo-Global animation MPEG. 10021 Ice Albedo - Global View

GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Hydrosphere >> Snow/Ice >> Ice Growth/Melt

Movie ID Title
 This image of the Jakobshavn glacier on 07/07/2001 shows the  changes in the glacier's calving front between 1851 and 2006.  Historic calving front locations, 1851 through 1964, were compiled by Anker Weidick and Ole Bennike and are shown here in gray.  Recent calving front locations, 2001 through 2006, derived from satellite imagery are show in colors.  A distance scale is provided. 3395 Jakobshavn Glacier Calving Front Recession from 1850 to 2006
The short version of the Cryosphere Tour, with narration and music. 3355 A Short Tour of the Cryosphere
VIDEO WITH MUSIC AND CAPTIONS 3181 A Tour of the Cryosphere

GCMD >> EARTH SCIENCE >> Oceans >> Sea Ice >> Ice Growth/Melt

Movie ID Title
Daily sea ice from 6/21/2002 through 9/22/2008 shown at a rate of 1 frame per day with a transparent background. 3564 Sea Ice over the Arctic and Antarctic designed for Science on a Sphere (SOS) and WMS
The animation of Arctic sea ice from January 1 through September 12, identified by NSIDC as the minimum extent for 2008. This animation has a two second hold on September 12, 2008. The date is displayed in the upper left corner. 3561 Close view of 2008 Arctic Sea Ice from AMSR-E
The animation of Arctic sea ice from January 1 through September 14, 2008. The date is displayed in the upper right corner. 3556 2008 Arctic Sea Ice from AMSR-E
Yearly Arctic minimum sea ice 1979 -2008 from SSMI/SMMR with a transparent background. 3508 Annual Arctic Minimum Sea Ice from 1979 - 2008 designed for Science on a Sphere (SOS) and WMS
Global daily AMSR-E Sea Ice for 2005 with one frame shown per day. 3507 2005 Sea Ice over the Arctic and Antarctic derived from AMSR-E (WMS and Science-on-a-Sphere)
Animation of sea ice motion around Antarctica during 2005 with a date overlay. 3497 AMSR-E Antarctic Sea Ice
This animation shows the change in annual melt over Greenland from 1979 through 2007.  3475 Annual Accumulated Melt over Greenland 1979 through 2007
This animation shows a two zooms on a split screen: one to the United States and the other to the Arctic.  The Arctic shows the 2005 sea ice minimum extent and fades to show the 2007 minimum extent.  The state of California is placed in the melt region as a comparison of the area of the region. 3470 Comparison of Minimum Sea Ice Between 2005 and 2007 - Split Screen
This animation progresses at a rate of six frames per day from January 1, 2007 through the minimum extent which occurred on September 14, 2007. The false color of the sea ice highlights the fissures in blue and consolidated sea ice in white. 3466 2007 Arctic Sea Ice from AMSR-E with Greenland in Foreground
This image shows the minimum sea ice extent that occurred on September 14, 2007. 3456 2007 Arctic Sea Ice from AMSR-E with Alaska in Foreground
This animation shows seasonal changes in landcover and Arctic sea ice from 2005-09-21 through 2006-09-20. 3404 Global Rotation showing Seasonal Landcover and Arctic Sea Ice
This animation moves from a view of the Jakobshavn glacier in Greenland to a full global view, showing seasonal changes in Arctic sea ice and global snow cover. (slower version) 3373 Zoom from Jakobshavn Glacier with AMSR-E Daily Sea Ice and MODIS Daily Snow Cover
This animation shows the seasonal advance and retreat of sea ice over the Arctic from 8/5/2005 through 8/4/2006. The yearly cycle is repeated three times while the camera circles the Arctic, providing a view of the sea ice from a wide range of viewpoints. 3372 Loop of AMSR-E Daily Arctic Sea Ice from Aug 2005 to Aug 2006
This animation shows the three-year moving average September mean sea ice concentration in the northern hemisphere from 1979-1981 through 2003-2005. A date bar indicates the range of years averaged to compute the September mean shown. 3371 Three-Year Average September Minimum Sea Ice Concentration 1979 - 2005
This animation shows monthly average sea ice climatology from September through August displayed at a rate of two months per second.  The month is shown in the upper right corner. 3367 Arctic Monthly Average Sea Ice Climatology logo - the U.S. Government's official Web portal. + Privacy Policy and Important Notices
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