** Interactive Weather Page **


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U.S. Radars

From the National Weather Service NEW!
Use this pull-down menu to view a list of radar locations
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Retrieve Current Observations/Forecast

Pick a state, any state:
Click that arrow right there pointing down

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Retrieve Current Data and Get Latest Forecast

Click on a state below and you will be taken to another menu. From there choose the city or cities that you wish to get the forecast for. Use your browser's back button to return here when you're done.

For a list of state abbreviations, click
AK - AL - AR - AZ - CA - CO - CT - DE - FL - GA - HI - IA - ID - IL - IN - KS - KY - LA - MA - MD - ME - MI - MN - MO - MS - MT - NC - ND - NE - NH - NJ - NM - NV - NY - OH - OK - OR - PA - RI - SC - SD - TN - TX - UT - VA - VT - WA - WI - WV - WY -

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ALL US watches/warnings (current)

Retrieve Current Data (Detailed)

This portion is brought exclusively to you by Texas A&M University.

Enter three letter
station id.

Enter Time Period:

Select Data and Submit Request:
Raw Data
Decoded Data
Model Data
Forecast Data
Other Data

It may take a few moments after you press the magical button for anything to happen. Don't press it again!

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ALL US watches/warnings (current)

Temperature Conversions

This form can be used to convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celcius or Celcius to Fahrenheit

Fahrenheit ( o F )
Celsius ( o C )

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ALL US watches/warnings (current)

Windchill / Heat Index Calculations

The following two forms were provided by R. Murphy at the NWSFO in Birmingham.
Below you can input any temperature above 80 ° Fahrenheit along with a relative humidity to calculate the heat index.

in Fahrenheit

Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) in degrees Fahrenheit and relative humidity ( RH ) in percent ( without the % sign ), then click on the Calculate HI to compute the heat index ( HI ).

Tair in °F RH Tdp =

Below you can input any temperature below 45 ° Fahrenheit along with a wind speed that is greater than 5 miles per hour to calculate the wind chill.

Enter in the air temperature ( Tair ) in degrees Fahrenheit and wind speed in mile per hour ( mph ), then click on the Calculate WC to compute the windchill ( WC ).
Tairo F mph

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ALL US watches/warnings (current)

Check What Time It Is... (From the USNO)

Select a city or region from the list below then click the submit button just under the list.

If you'd like your city added please let me know

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ALL US watches/warnings (current)

Retrieve Sunrise/Sunset data from the United States Naval Observatory

Current phase of moon:
Enter the name of a city or town:

NOTE: Use all capital letters when typing the city/town above
Which state is that city/town in?

Year Month Day

After you click on the button above and are done looking at the information, use your "back" button to return to this page.

If you want definitions for rise, set, twilight, etc... just click
And if you would like to compute the sunrise/sunset and twilight times for a whole year click here.
If you would rather compute the information with latitude/longitude cordinates click here.
Also, you can the sun or moon altitude / azimuth by clicking here.
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Since August 17, 1996 you're guest #: to this page :)

Last update: Monday, April 3, 2000

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All the weather images and data on the pages contained herein are provided by external sources. Any material that is copyrighted is property of the respective owner(s) and is to be used at your own risk. I do not take responsibility for any harm or data shown on any maps. That is the sole responsibility of the provider the information comes from. The availability of the data on this site solely depends on the source. Don't use the weather information found here as your basis for life or death information. While the data presented on these images should be correct, the data feed is not consistent enough to provide all of the data all of the time. More importantly, your local National Weather Service office and/or NOAA weather radio is where you should get your important severe weather information. Use this website for your enjoyment, but do not use it when making serious decisions. I am in no way accountable for these images and data. I am not responsible for any "off-site" web pages referenced from the page(s) herein and this is not an official site for the information and/or products contained herein. This web site is not affiliated with any weather or news organization.

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