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programs within ISSE

One of ISSE's goals is to act as integrative force across NCAR. While contributing to ISSE's main research themes, these larger multi-year research programs and initiatives, lead by ISSE scientists, cross divisional boundaries at NCAR and present examples of integrative research.

Geographic Information System (GIS) Initiative

NCAR Geographic Information System (GIS) InitiativeThe NCAR Geographic Information System (GIS) Initiative recognizes systematic methods for organizing and sharing geospatial information are essential to advancing earth system science and other aspects of the geosciences. This initiative explores crucial issues related to integrating weather and climate data with complementary information from the physical sciences, social sciences, and related areas of the geosciences.

North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program

narccaNARCCAP is an international program that will serve the high resolution climate scenario needs of both the United States and Canada, using regional climate model, coupled global climate model, and time-slice experiments.

RISA-NCAR Collaboration

NCAR RISA CollaborationISSE is building collaborative ties with NOAA's Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessment (RISA) Program. After two brainstorming and planning meetings, researchers at NCAR and various RISA Centers around the country will focus their initial collaboration on three topics: (1) downscaled climate change projections through the  North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP); (2) Water-weather-climate interactions; and (3) Capturing and assessing the RISA science-stakeholder interaction.

Societal Impacts Program

Societal Impacts ProgramWith funding from the U.S. Weather Research Program, NCAR established the Collaborative Program on the Societal Impacts and Economic Benefits of Weather Information (SIP). This program is a focal point for assembling, coordinating, developing, and synthesizing research and information on the societal impacts and economic benefits of weather information.

Weather and Climate Impacts Assessment Science Program

NCAR Weather and Climate Impacts Assessment Science InitiativeThe NCAR Climate and Weather Impact Assessment Science Program focuses on critical scientific gaps in the weather and climate arenas that have proved particularly challenging for decision-makers and scientists alike: 1) characterizing uncertainty; 2) extreme weather and climate events; and 3) the role of climate in human health.



NEWS and Announcements

women's magazine

Leading Ladies of Science Kathy Miller,  Paty Romero, and Linda Mearns  are interviewed in  the Boulder Women's Magazine on their roles in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Reports.  Read more

Brian O'Neill

Brian O'Neill joins the rank of ISSE Scientists.
Brian began his position in ISSE mid January. He comes to NCAR from research scientist positions at IIASA and Brown University, with expertise in population and greenhouse gas emissions, carbon cycling, and uncertainty and learning.

Governor Ritter Group

In late November all Colorado scientists who contributed to the IPCC work over the years, as authors, were honored by Governor Ritter for sharing in the Nobel Peace Prize of 2007. Kathy Miller, Paty Romero Lankao, and Linda Mearns attended the ceremony, chatted with the governor, and consumed reasonably flavored food.

ISSE Scientists share in the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize recognition of IPCC. Paty Romero Lankao as Coordinating Lead Author, Linda Mearns & Kathy Miller as Lead Authors, and Rick Katz, Susi Moser, and Claudia Tebaldi as Contributing Authors, participated in the most recent IPCC Reports, both for Working Group I on Climate Science and Working Group II on Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability.

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Seminars & Coffee Talks

November 18th, 3:30pm - Seminar

Mitigation implications of mid-century targets that preserve long-term climate policy options
By Brian O'Neill, NCAR/RAL/ISSE
Location: Main seminar room at the Mesa Lab. >more

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