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SLR Related Publications for 1976

Brown, L.D., "Vertical Crustal Movements from Leveling Data and their Relation to Geologic Structure in the Eastern United States", Rev. Geophys. Space Phys., Vol. 14, pp. 13-35, 1976.

Grafarend, E.W., "Geodetic Applications of Stochastic Processes", - Phys. Earth Plan. Int., V.12, pp. 151-179, 1976.

Heller, W.G., and Jordan, S.K., "Error Analysis of Two New Gradiometer-Aided Inertial Navigation Systems", J. Spacecraft, V.13, pp. 340-347, 1976.

Jeffreys, H. Sir, "The Earth: Its Origin, History and Physical Constitution", - published by Cambridge U. Press, 574pp, 1976.

Klein, B.J., and Degnan, J.J., "Optical Antenna Gain. 3. The Effect of Secondary Element Support Struts on Antenna Gain", Applied Optics, 15, pp. 977-979, 1976.

Laurila, S.H., "Electronic Surveying and Navigation", - Wiley and Sons, 545pp, 1976.

Lieske, J.H., "Precessional Matrix Based on IAU( ) System of Astronomical Constants", Astron. Astrophys., 73, 282, 1976, 1976.

McLure, P., "Core Resonance Effects on the Earth's Angular Momentum Vector and Rotation Axis-A Generalized Model", - Thesis, Univ. of Texas, 65pp, spiral bound with Diurnal Polar Motion, 1976.

Metzger, E.H., and Jircitano, A., "Inertial Navigation Performance Improvement Using Gravity Gradient Matching Techniques", J. Spacecraft, V.13, pp. 223-224, 1976.

Mikhail, E.M., "Observations and Least Squares", - Harper and Row publishers, reprinted by the University Press of America, 497pp. , 1976.

Prescott, W.H., "An Extension of Frank's Method for Obtaining Crustal Shear Strains from Survey Data", - Bull. Seism. Soc. of Amer., V.66, pp. 1847-1853, 1976.

Tscherning, C.C., "Covariance Expressions for the Second and Lower Order Derivatives of the Anomalous Potential", OSU-Rpt. 225, 62pp, 1976.

Wagner, C.A., "The Accuracy of Goddard Earth Models", - NASA Doc. X-921-76-187, 1976.

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